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[英]Spawn processes using host file with mpi4py

我正在尝试使用MPI4py和OpenMPI在多个主机上生成一组辅助进程,但是spawn命令似乎忽略了我的主机文件。 我已经发布了完整的测试 ,但是下面是关键部分:

根据论坛讨论 ,我的经理脚本使用hostfile选项调用spawn:

mpi_info = MPI.Info.Create()
mpi_info.Set("hostfile", "worker_hosts")

comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable,

worker_hosts文件中,列出了Scyld Beowulf群集中的节点:

myhead1 slots=2
mycompute1 slots=2
mycompute2 slots=2
mycompute3 slots=2
mycompute4 slots=3

管理者和工作人员都调用MPI.Get_processor_name() ,但是他们都报告“ myhead1”。 如果我将相同的主机文件与mpirun一起使用,则可以使用:

> mpirun -hostfile worker_hosts -np 3 python -c "from mpi4py import MPI; print MPI.Get_processor_name()"


Open RTE was unable to open the hostfile:
Check to make sure the path and filename are correct.
[Bulbasaur:86523] [[3458,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file base/rmaps_base_support_fns.c at line 83
[Bulbasaur:86523] [[3458,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file rmaps_rr.c at line 82
[Bulbasaur:86523] [[3458,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file base/rmaps_base_map_job.c at line 88
[Bulbasaur:86523] [[3458,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file base/plm_base_launch_support.c at line 105
[Bulbasaur:86523] [[3458,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file plm_rsh_module.c at line 1173

因此,OpenMPI已经注意到hostfile选项,但似乎没有使用它。 hostfile选项在OpenMPI文档中列出。

Key                   Type      Description
---                   ----      -----------
host                  char *    Host on which the process should be spawned.
                                See the orte_host man page for an
                                explanation of how this will be used.
hostfile              char *    Hostfile containing the hosts on which
                                the processes are to be spawned. See
                                the orte_hostfile man page for an
                                explanation of how this will be used.



Key                    Type     Description
---                    ----     -----------
host                   char *   Host on which the process should be
                                spawned.  See the orte_host man
                                page for an explanation of how this
                                will be used.
hostfile               char *   Hostfile containing the hosts on which
                                the processes are to be spawned. See
                                the orte_hostfile man page for
                                an explanation of how this will be
add-host               char *   Add the specified host to the list of
                                hosts known to this job and use it for
                                the associated process. This will be
                                used similarly to the -host option.
add-hostfile           char *   Hostfile containing hosts to be added
                                to the list of hosts known to this job
                                and use it for the associated
                                process. This will be used similarly
                                to the -hostfile option.

如果我更改为使用add-hostfile ,则可以完美运行:

mpi_info.Set("add-hostfile", "worker_hosts")

如果您被困在使用旧版本的OpenMPI,请尝试使用mpirun和相同的主机文件运行管理器脚本。 当我仍在使用hostfile选项时,这也起作用。

mpirun -hostfile worker_hosts -np1 python testmanager.py


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