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如何从LLVM IR生成可执行文件

[英]How to generate executable from LLVM IR

我在阅读http://www.stephendiehl.com/llvm/#llvm-introduction,其中有一段LLVM IR,如下所示:

declare i32 @putchar(i32)

define i32 @add(i32 %a, i32 %b) {
  %1 = add i32 %a, %b
  ret i32 %1

define void @main() {
  %1 = call i32 @add(i32 0, i32 97)
  call i32 @putchar(i32 %1)
  ret void


llc -march=x86-64 h1.bc -o h1.s
nasm -f macho -o h1.o h1.s
# failed here


h1.s:1: error: attempt to define a local label before any non-local labels
h1.s:1: error: parser: instruction expected
h1.s:2: error: attempt to define a local label before any non-local labels
h1.s:2: error: parser: instruction expected
h1.s:3: error: attempt to define a local label before any non-local labels
h1.s:3: error: parser: instruction expected
h1.s:4: error: attempt to define a local label before any non-local labels

llc生成的代码似乎不是本机的OS X汇编代码,请参见http://peter.michaux.ca/articles/assembly-hello-world-for-os-x


nasm不支持AT&T汇编语法,因此会出现错误。 在OS X上,您需要使用“ as”进行组装(除非明确要求,否则在99%的情况下请忽略nasm)


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