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[英]R regex to replace all punctuation except sentence markers, apostrophes and hyphens

我正在寻找一种在R中标记句子开头和结尾的方法。为此,我想消除所有句子标点符号,例如句号,感叹号,询问符和连字符,这是我想用标记***代替。 同时,我还想保留包含撇号的单词。 给一个具体的例子,给出以下字符串:

txt <- "We have examined all the possibilities, however we have not reached a solid conclusion - however we keep and open mind! Have you considered any other approach? Haven't you?"


txt <- "We have examined all the possibilities however he have not reached a solid conclusion *** however we keep and open mind*** Have you considered any other approach*** Haven't you***"

我还没有出来一个正则表达式来做到这一点。 任何提示,不胜感激。


> txt <- "We have examined all the possibilities, however he have not reached a solid conclusion - however we keep and open mind! Have you considered any other approach? Haven't you?"
> gsub("[-.?!]", "<S>", gsub("(?![-.?!'])[[:punct:]]", "", txt, perl=T))
[1] "We have examined all the possibilities however he have not reached a solid conclusion <S> however we keep and open mind<S> Have you considered any other approach<S> Haven't you<S>"
> gsub("[-.?!]", "***", gsub("(?![-.?!'])[[:punct:]]", "", txt, perl=T))
[1] "We have examined all the possibilities however he have not reached a solid conclusion *** however we keep and open mind*** Have you considered any other approach*** Haven't you***"


gsub("(?![-.?!'])[[:punct:]]", "", txt, perl=T)

我想用标记***代替。 同时,我还想保留包含撇号的单词。

gsub("[-.?!]", "***", gsub("(?![-.?!'])[[:punct:]]", "", txt, perl=T))

您可以通过使用两个正则表达式来做到这一点。 首先,您可以使用字符类来删除不需要的字符:

  ^--- Whatever you want to remove, put it here



  ^--- Add characters you want to replace here





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