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在“ if”语句之后继续“ for”循环

[英]Continue “for” loop after “if” statement


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="pdml2html.xsl"?>
<pdml version="0" creator="wireshark/1.12.4" time="Sat Aug 15 11:18:38 2010" capture_file=""> 
   <field name="gsm_a.dtap.msg_rr_type" showname="Message Type: System Information Type 1" size="1" pos="60" show="25" value="19"/>
    <field name="" show="Cell Channel Description" size="16" pos="61" value="0000">
      <field name="" show="List of ARFCNs = 1 2 3" size="16" pos="61" value="00000000480000000000000100000000"/>
    <field name="gsm_a.dtap.msg_rr_type" showname="Message Type: System Information Type 2" size="1" pos="60" show="26" value="1a"/>
    <field name="" show="Neighbour Cell Description - BCCH Frequency List" size="16" pos="61" value="18000002400200000001002061900000">
      <field name="gsm_a.rr.ext_ind" showname="..0. .... = EXT-IND: The information element carries the complete BA (0)" size="1" pos="61" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="18"/>
      <field name="gsm_a.rr.format_id" showname="00.. 100. = Format Identifier: bit map 0 (0x04)" size="1" pos="61" show="4" value="4" unmaskedvalue="18"/>
      <field name="" show="List of ARFCNs = 5 6 7 8 9" size="16" pos="61" value="18"/>


from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
e = ET.parse(sys.argv[1]).getroot()
bts_id = {'A': '0', 'B': '0'}

for atype in e.iter('field'):
    if atype.attrib['name'] == "gsm_a.dtap.msg_rr_type" and atype.attrib['value'] == "19": #System Information Type 1
            for atype in e.iter('field'):
                if "List of ARFCNs =" in atype.attrib['show']:
                    bts_id['A'] = atype.attrib['show'].split("= ")[1]
    if atype.attrib['name'] == "gsm_a.dtap.msg_rr_type" and atype.attrib['value'] == "1a": #System Information Type 2
            for atype in e.iter('field'):
                if "List of ARFCNs =" in atype.attrib['show']:
                    bts_id['B'] = atype.attrib['show'].split("= ")[1]

我想提取两个字段“ show”中的信息:show =“ ARFCNs的列表= 1 2 3”和show =“ ARFCNs的列表= 5 6 7 8 9”。 所以我需要:A =“ 1 2 3”和B =“ 5 6 7 8 9”。 我的代码总是提取第一个列表,因为我不知道如何在“ if”语句之后的最外层循环中继续遍历“ field”。 问题还在于,在“ ARFCN列表”出现的行中没有唯一属性。 唯一属性只是上面几行。 “系统信息类型1”和类型2不必按上述顺序出现在xml文件中,但是“ for”循环应继续进行迭代,并且永远不要回到第一个元素,但是应检查所有“ “ field”标记的每次迭代的“”语句(xml文件中与“ if”语句匹配的行可以随机顺序出现)。


for a in range(50): #loop1
    if a=5:
        #here need to continue iterating loop1- how?
        if a=8:
            print "found 8"
    if a=22:
        #here need to continue iterating loop1- how?
        if a=28:
            print "found 28"
    if a=12:
        #here need to continue iterating loop1- how?
        if a=15:
            print "found 15"
    if a=10:
        #here need to continue iterating loop1- how?
        if a=28:
            print "again found 28"

## expected result:
#found 8
#found 28
#found 15
#again found 28
## in real life range(50) can be any list, not necessary numbers

不容易理解您想要什么...首先,请看continue语句是否对您的情况没有帮助(而不是break )。

我不知道如何在“ if”语句之后在最外层循环中继续遍历“ field”。

看来您正在尝试一次breakcontinue两个级别的嵌套循环。 不能在一个语句中完成此操作,因为已经提出但拒绝了诸如break(2)语法。 但是您可以使用标志变量,例如

flag = 0
for i in range(10):
    if flag == 1:   # leave the outermost loop
    for j in range(10):
        if j==4:    # leave the inner loop; send the message to leave the outer one
            flag = 1

它应该为“ field”标签的每次迭代检查所有的“ if”语句


有帮助吗? 至少我明白了

1 2 3
5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3
5 6 7 8 9


from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET

e = ET.parse("test.xml").getroot()

bts_id = {'A': '0', 'B': '0'}

for atype in e.iter('field'):
    if atype.attrib['name'] == "gsm_a.dtap.msg_rr_type" and atype.attrib['value'] == "19": #System Information Type 1
            for atype in e.iter('field'):
                if "List of ARFCNs =" in atype.attrib['show']:
                    print atype.attrib['show'].split("= ")[1]
    elif atype.attrib['name'] == "gsm_a.dtap.msg_rr_type" and atype.attrib['value'] == "1a": #System Information Type 2
            for atype in e.iter('field'):
                if "List of ARFCNs =" in atype.attrib['show']:
                    print atype.attrib['show'].split("= ")[1]


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