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声明函数指针C ++ arduino 1.6.11

[英]Declaration function pointer C++ arduino 1.6.11

我是C ++的初学者,但对于我的arduino,我需要此代码。 它正在为较低版本的arduino进行编译和工作,例如arduino-1.6.5.r5。 从1.6.9起,甚至是最新版本的arduino(1.6.11),此声明都不再编译。 我不完全理解该错误。 可以用其他方式重写吗? 我正在使用图书馆CallBack.h。

库的来源: https : //bitbucket.org/ehsmaes/cmdcallback/wiki/Home


#include <CallBack.h>
// Compile and upload to arduino. Run the serial monitor and type command
// :help;
// Values for initiation of cmd/response interface. 
// After initial boot, id, gid and del are stored in eeprom.
// Change values by command. Make sure each device has a unique id.
String descr="Command/response test program v0.1";
String id="a1";
String gid="a";
int    del=0; //delayed response

// List of commands defined by keyword, funtion pointer, number of arguments 
// and description used in "help" command.
CallBackDef f[] = {
  {(String)"add",   (FunctionPointer)&add,  (int)2, (String)":num1:num2"}

// initiate command handler: function array, number of functions and intial values
CallBack cmd(f, sizeof(f) / sizeof(*f), id, gid, descr, del);

void setup() {
  cmd.ok(); // say hello

void loop() {
  // Put code here. Use timers instead of delay if possible as not to disrupt
  // command/response interaction with host

void serialEvent() {
  // Don't forget this line. Parse command if serial data is available.

//   --------- command initiated callback functions below ---------
// callback functions all need to be defined void and with String argv
// argument list. The command parser will validate the number of input
// parameters but any additional validation has to be perfomed by each
// callback function. As the argument list is passed as strings, type
// casting to other types is the responsibility of the function.

void add(String argv[]) {
  int a = cmd.stoi(argv[0]);
  int b = cmd.stoi(argv[1]);
  cmd.respond(String(a + b));


    CmdCallBack_example_minimum:17: error: 'add' was not declared in this scope
   {(String)"add",   (FunctionPointer)&add,  (int)2, (String)":num1:num2"}
Using library CmdCallBack in folder: /Users/adrian/ownCloud/Arduino/libraries/CmdCallBack (legacy)
exit status 1
'add' was not declared in this scope

此错误意味着在CallBackDef f[] = ...之前未声明函数baseevent 您需要在使用函数原型之前或函数定义(在使用函数之前=完整函数)。

Arduino中还有另一个预处理器,负责处理这些定义,并将它们放置在草图开始处。 但是通常会破坏任何更复杂的东西(生成的原型是完全错误的),因此即使合法的c ++代码也无法编译。 有时它会改变Arduino版本之间的行为。


#include <CallBack.h>

// Compile and upload to arduino. Run the serial monitor and type command
// :help;

// Values for initiation of cmd/response interface. 
// After initial boot, id, gid and del are stored in eeprom.
// Change values by command. Make sure each device has a unique id.
String descr="Command/response test program v0.1";
String id="a1";
String gid="a";
int    del=0; //delayed response
byte   echo=1; // command back to host

// ------------------------------------------------
// Function Prototype for add:
void add(String argv[]);

// List of commands defined by keyword, funtion pointer, number of arguments 
// and description used in "help" command.
CallBackDef f[] = {
  {(String)"add",   (FunctionPointer)&add,  (int)2, (String)":num1:num2"}

// initiate command handler: function array, number of functions and intial values
CallBack cmd(f, sizeof(f) / sizeof(*f), id, gid, descr, del, echo);

void setup() {
  cmd.ok(); // say hello

void loop() {
  // Don't forget this line. Parse command if serial data is available.

  // Put code here. Use timers instead of delay if possible as not to disrupt
  // command/response interaction with host


//   --------- command initiated callback functions below ---------
// callback functions all need to be defined void and with String argv
// argument list. The command parser will validate the number of input
// parameters but any additional validation has to be perfomed by each
// callback function. As the argument list is passed as strings, type
// casting to other types is the responsibility of the function.

void add(String argv[]) {
  int a = cmd.stoi(argv[0]);
  int b = cmd.stoi(argv[1]);
  cmd.respond(String(a + b));

没有显式函数原型的Arduino预处理器会处理它,但是它会在使用它的行之后插入。 因此仍然存在错误。

但是,即使在修复后,您的版本也会被破坏(CallBack cmd中的某些错误参数类型...)


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