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销售佣金程序使用while循环。 值未更新

[英]Sales commission program using while loop. Value not updating

我的while循环没有在我运行程序时更新我的​​新销售佣金程序。 这是我的程序:

 #this program calculates sales commissions and sums the total of all sales commissions the user has entered

print("Welcom to the program sales commission loop")


while keep_going=='y':

    #get a salespersons sales and commission rate
    sales=float(input('Enter the amount of sales'))
    comm_rate=float(input('Enter commission rate'))


    #calculate the commission

    print("commission is",commission)

    keep_going=input('Enter y for yes')

    print("Total is",total)

print("You have exited the program. Thet total is",total)

程序的输出如下:Python 3.5.2(v3.5.2:4def2a2901a5,2016年6月25日,22:01:18)在win32上的[MSC v.1900 32位(Intel)]键入“ copyright”,“ credits”或“ license()”以获取更多信息。

Welcom to the program sales commission loop
Enter the amount of sales899
Enter commission rate.09
commission is 80.91
Enter y for yesy
Total is 80.91
Enter the amount of sales933
Enter commission rate.04
commission is 37.32
Enter y for yesy
Total is 37.32
Enter the amount of sales9909
Enter commission rate.10
commission is 990.9000000000001
Enter y for yesn
Total is 990.9000000000001
You have exited the program. Thet total is 990.9000000000001

> Blockquote

我究竟做错了什么? 我想不明白

每次循环时,您都将total设置为零。 如下所示,将total的初始化移到循环外部。

#this program calculates sales commissions and sums the total of all sales commissions the user has entered

print("Welcom to the program sales commission loop")


while keep_going=='y':

    #get a salespersons sales and commission rate
    sales=float(input('Enter the amount of sales'))
    comm_rate=float(input('Enter commission rate'))

    #calculate the commission

    print("commission is",commission)

    keep_going=input('Enter y for yes')

    print("Total is",total)

print("You have exited the program. Thet total is",total)

问题在于,每次重复循环时,您都要重新初始化“总计”。 您无需初始化变量,但是如果需要,则必须在while循环之外进行。 更正后的代码将是:

#this program calculates sales commissions and sums the total of all sales commissions the user has entered

print("Welcome to the program sales commission loop")

while keep_going=='y':
    #get a salespersons sales and commission rate
    sales=float(input( 'Enter the amount of sales ' ))
    comm_rate=float(input( 'Enter commission rate ' ))

    #calculate the commission
    comission= sales * comm_rate
    print( "commission is {}".format(comission) )

    keep_going=input('Enter y for yes: ')
    total += comission
    print( "Total is {}".format(total) )

print("You have exited the program. Thet total is",total)


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