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变量未定义 PYTHON 3.5.2

[英]Variable not defined PYTHON 3.5.2

def GameMode():#creates a function with name of gamemode
    global wrong_answer_1
    for keys,values in keywords.items():#checks for the right answer
        if keys == code:#if the keys equal to the code value
            keyword_c = values
            global keyword_c
    for keys,values in definition.items():#checks for the right answer
        if keys == code + 1:#if the keys equal the code add 1
            definition_c = values#set s to be the values
    for keys,values in definition.items():#checks for the right answer
        if inc == keys:#if the keys equal the code add 1
            wrong_answer_1 = values#set s to be the values
    for keys,value in definition.items():#For the keys in the dictionary
        if keys == inc2:#if the keys equal to a value
            global wrong_answer_2
            wrong_answer_2 = value

    print(wrong_answer_2, "Hi")

我试图让我的变量 keyword_c、definition_c、error_answer_1 和 wrong_answer_2 成为全局变量,所以我可以在另一个函数中使用它们,但我似乎无法让它工作,当谈到 python 时,我有点新手。 正如您在上面看到的那样,我尝试使用“全局”,并尝试调用变量并传递它们,但我对它的理解还不够充分,无法弄清楚。

keyword_c = ''
definition_c = ''
wrong_answer_1 = ''
wrong_answer_2 = ''


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Program.py", line 67, in <module>
   GameMode()#calls the function
  File "D:\Program.py", line 55, in GameMode
    print(wrong_answer_2, "Hi")
NameError: name 'wrong_answer_2' is not defined



self.keyword_c = ''
self.definition_c = ''
self.wrong_answer_1 = ''
self.wrong_answer_2 = ''


def GameMode(self):#creates a function with name of gamemode
    for keys,values in keywords.items():#checks for the right answer
        if keys == code:#if the keys equal to the code value
            self.keyword_c = values


def GameMode():#creates a function with name of gamemode
    global wrong_answer_1
    for keys,values in keywords.items():#checks for the right answer
        if keys == code:#if the keys equal to the code value
            keyword_c = values # keyword_c doesn't exist here, you cannot assign here
            global keyword_c   # its created here, so it now exists

我不确定你的函数应该做什么; 很难猜测所有的语法错误,但以下修复了语法错误,在函数顶部使用单个全局函数来处理未在函数中定义的所有内容。

def GameMode():#creates a function with name of gamemode
    global inc, inc2, code, wrong_answer_1, wrong_answer_2, keyword_c
    for keys,values in keywords.items():#checks for the right answer
        if keys == code:#if the keys equal to the code value
            keyword_c = values
    for keys,values in definition.items():#checks for the right answer
        if keys == code + 1:#if the keys equal the code add 1
            definition_c = values#set s to be the values
    for keys,values in definition.items():#checks for the right answer
        if inc == keys:#if the keys equal the code add 1
            wrong_answer_1 = values#set s to be the values
    for keys,value in definition.items():#For the keys in the dictionary
        if keys == inc2:#if the keys equal to a value
            wrong_answer_2 = value

    print(wrong_answer_2, "Hi")

keywords = {
    1: 'a',
definition = {
    1: 'a',
code = 1
inc = 1
inc2 = 1
wrong_answer_1 = None
wrong_answer_2 = None
keyword_c = None

print(inc, inc2, code, wrong_answer_1, wrong_answer_2, keyword_c)


a Hi
1 1 1 a a a


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