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[英]convolution result different from that of caffe

我尝试自己编写卷积函数,以将结果与caffe结果进行比较。 我使用了运行演示程序时提取的底部和顶部blob数据以及权重。 我非常确定提取的数据是正确的。 这是我编写的卷积测试代码,但结果有所不同。 在此示例中,我有64个输入要素图和64个输出要素图,并使用3x3内核。 该程序从64个文件中读取底层数据,读取64x64 3x3内核的权重和偏差,然后使用权重进行卷积并将顶层数据保存到64个文件中。 非常简单的程序

// written by Chan Kim for simple convolution test

layer 2 type Convolution  num_bottoms 1 num_tops 1
layer 2 bottom 0 shape "1 64 600 800 (30720000)"
layer 2 top 0 shape = "1 64 600 800 (30720000)"
layer 2 kernel_size = 3
bottom size : 4*64*600*800 = 0x7530000 Bytes
top    size : 4*64*600*800 = 0x7530000 Bytes
kernel size : 4*3*3*64*64 = 0x24000 Bytes
in word size, bottom : 0x1d4c000 kernel : 0x9000 Words

#include <stdio.h>
#define NUM_IFM 64
#define NUM_OFM 64
#define HEIGHT 600
#define WIDTH 800
#define K 3 // 3x3 kernel
float bottom[1][NUM_IFM][HEIGHT][WIDTH];
float top[1][NUM_IFM][HEIGHT][WIDTH];
float weights[NUM_OFM][NUM_IFM][K][K];
float bias[NUM_OFM];
float conv[1][NUM_IFM][HEIGHT][WIDTH]; // result
char str[80];
float kern[K][K];
float in_square[K][K];
float sum;

#define layer 2 // for test


FILE *file;
int ifm_idx;
int ofm_idx;
int orix;
int ocix;
char c;
int r;
int rix, cix;
char line[80];
char *ll;
float v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7;
int kyi, kxi;
int orixm, orixp;
int ocixm, ocixp;
int kx, ky;
int i;

// --------------------------------------------------------
// reading blob data from files into blob memory
// --------------------------------------------------------
for(ifm_idx=0;ifm_idx<NUM_IFM;ifm_idx++) {
    sprintf(str, "/home/ckim/Neuro/convhw/ext-z840/L%02d_Convolution_B0_FN%03d.txt", layer, ifm_idx);
    file = fopen(str, "r");
    c = fgetc(file);
    rix = -1;
    while (c != EOF) {
        if (c == '#') {
            ll = fgets(line, 80, file);
            c = fgetc(file);
            cix = 0;
        else {
            r = ungetc(c, file);
            r = fscanf(file, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &v0, &v1, &v2, &v3, &v4, &v5, &v6, &v7);
            bottom[0][ifm_idx][rix][cix++] = v0;
            bottom[0][ifm_idx][rix][cix++] = v1;
            bottom[0][ifm_idx][rix][cix++] = v2;
            bottom[0][ifm_idx][rix][cix++] = v3;
            bottom[0][ifm_idx][rix][cix++] = v4;
            bottom[0][ifm_idx][rix][cix++] = v5;
            bottom[0][ifm_idx][rix][cix++] = v6;
            bottom[0][ifm_idx][rix][cix++] = v7;
            c = fgetc(file);
    printf("file %s read.. \n",str);

// --------------------------------------------------------
// reading weights from files into blob memory
// --------------------------------------------------------
sprintf(str, "/home/ckim/Neuro/convhw/ext1/L%02d_Convolution_Weights.txt", layer);
file = fopen(str, "r");
ll = fgets(line, 80, file); // read the layer config line
for(ofm_idx = 0; ofm_idx < NUM_OFM; ofm_idx++) {
//for(ifm_idx = 0; ifm_idx < NUM_IFM; ifm_idx++) {
    ll = fgets(line, 80, file); // read the line '## For output map ofm_idx'
    for(ifm_idx = 0; ifm_idx < NUM_IFM; ifm_idx++) {
    //for(ofm_idx = 0; ofm_idx < NUM_OFM; ofm_idx++) {
        ll = fgets(line, 80, file); // read the line '## for input map ifm_idx'
        for(kyi = 0; kyi < K; kyi++) {
         fscanf(file, "%f %f %f", &v0, &v1, &v2); // K=3 always
            weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][kyi][0] = v0;
            weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][kyi][1] = v1;
            weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][kyi][2] = v2;
         ll = fgets(line, 80, file); // read off remaining line
    // read bias values
for(i = 0, ofm_idx = 0; i < NUM_OFM/8; i++){
    ll = fgets(line, 80, file);
    r = fscanf(file, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &v0, &v1, &v2, &v3, &v4, &v5, &v6, &v7);
    bias[ofm_idx++] = v0;
    bias[ofm_idx++] = v1;
    bias[ofm_idx++] = v2;
    bias[ofm_idx++] = v3;
    bias[ofm_idx++] = v4;
    bias[ofm_idx++] = v5;
    bias[ofm_idx++] = v6;
    bias[ofm_idx++] = v7;

// --------------------------------------------------------
// perform convolution
// --------------------------------------------------------
printf("starting convolution..\n");
for(ofm_idx = 0; ofm_idx < NUM_OFM; ofm_idx++) {
    printf("making OFM %d\n", ofm_idx);
    for(orix = 0; orix < HEIGHT; orix++) {
        for(ocix = 0; ocix < WIDTH; ocix++) {

            sum = 0.; // for single point

            // for each input maps
            for(ifm_idx = 0; ifm_idx < NUM_IFM; ifm_idx++) {

                // get kernel
                kern[0][0] = weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][0][0];
                kern[0][1] = weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][0][1];
                kern[0][2] = weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][0][2];
                kern[1][0] = weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][1][0];
                kern[1][1] = weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][1][1];
                kern[1][2] = weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][1][2];
                kern[2][0] = weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][2][0];
                kern[2][1] = weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][2][1];
                kern[2][2] = weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][2][2];

                // zero-value padding (used in caffe)
                in_square[0][0] = (orix == 0 ||ocix == 0) ? 0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][orix][ocix];
                in_square[0][1] = (orix == 0) ? 0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][orix][ocix];
                in_square[0][2] = (orix == 0 || ocix == WIDTH-1) ? 0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][orix][ocix];
                in_square[1][0] = (ocix == 0) ? 0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][orix][ocix];
                in_square[1][1] = bottom[0][ifm_idx][orix][ocix];
                in_square[1][2] = (ocix == WIDTH-1) ? 0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][orix][ocix];
                in_square[2][0] = (orix == HEIGHT-1 || ocix == 0) ? 0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][orix][ocix];
                in_square[2][1] = (orix == HEIGHT-1) ? 0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][orix][ocix];
                in_square[2][2] = (orix == HEIGHT-1 || ocix == WIDTH-1) ? 0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][orix][ocix];

                // apply kernel
                for(ky = 0; ky < K; ky++) {
                    for(kx = 0; kx < K; kx++) {
                        sum += in_square[ky][kx]*kern[ky][kx];

                //// add bias
                //sum += bias[ifm_idx];
            } // ifm_idx

            // add bias
            sum += bias[ofm_idx];
            // store result
            conv[0][ofm_idx][orix][ocix] = sum;
        } // ocix
    } // orix

    printf("OFM %d\n", ofm_idx);
    sprintf(str, "./result/L%02d_Convolution_T0_FN%03d.txt", layer, ofm_idx);
    file = fopen(str, "w");
    printf("writing convolution result to file %s..\n", str);
    for (rix = 0; rix < HEIGHT; rix++) {
        fprintf(file, "### kr = %d ##\n", rix);
        for (cix = 0; cix < WIDTH; cix++) {
            fprintf(file, "%f ",conv[0][ofm_idx][rix][cix]);
            if (cix %8 == 7) fprintf(file, "\n");
printf("Convolution finished\n");

更新:我尝试换位内核,并尝试反转提取内核(所有4种组合)的输入-输出关系,但是不匹配。 也许我从caffe执行中提取值的方式出了问题。 我要添加我如何从caffe / src / caffe / net.cpp文件中的卷积层提取底部,顶部和重量数据。 它们在图层处理完成后被提取。

//#define LayerShapeExtract
//#define BlobExtract
//#define WeightExtract
#define LayerExtNum 2
#define EXT_ALL_LAYERS 0
int ccc; // for debug
template <typename Dtype>
Dtype Net<Dtype>::ForwardFromTo(int start, int end) {
  CHECK_GE(start, 0);
  CHECK_LT(end, layers_.size());
  Dtype loss = 0;
  LOG(INFO) << "## : net_input_blobs_.size() : " << net_input_blobs_.size() << std::endl;
  if (debug_info_) {
    for (int i = 0; i < net_input_blobs_.size(); ++i) {
  for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
    ccc = i; printf("ccc = %d\n", ccc); // LOG(ERROR) << "Forwarding " << layer_names_[i];
    Dtype layer_loss = layers_[i]->Forward(bottom_vecs_[i], top_vecs_[i]); // Layer::Forward
    loss += layer_loss;
    if (debug_info_) { ForwardDebugInfo(i); }

#ifdef LayerShapeExtract
// -------------------------------- start of shape extract ---------------------
  FILE *lsfp;
  lsfp = fopen("ext/layers.txt","w");
  fprintf(lsfp, "####### Layer Shape ########\n");
  fprintf(lsfp, "start = %d, end = %d\n", start,end);
  for (int li = start; li <= end; ++li) {
    fprintf(lsfp, "layer %d type %s  num_bottoms %zu num_tops %zu\n", li, layers_[li]->type(), bottom_vecs_[li].size(), top_vecs_[li].size());
    for (int bi = 0; bi < bottom_vecs_[li].size(); bi++) {
       fprintf(lsfp, "layer %d bottom %d shape \"%s\"\n", li, bi, bottom_vecs_[li][bi]->shape_string().c_str()); 
    for (int ti = 0; ti < top_vecs_[li].size(); ti++) {
       fprintf(lsfp, "layer %d top %d shape = \"%s\"\n", li, ti, top_vecs_[li][ti]->shape_string().c_str()); 
    if (strcmp(layers_[li]->type(),"Convolution") == 0) {
        fprintf(lsfp, "layer %d kernel_size = %d\n", li, layers_[li]->layer_param().convolution_param().kernel_size());
  //printf("##Net::ForwardFromTo ==> ####### End of Layer Shape ########\n");
// -------------------------------- end of shape extract ---------------------

#ifdef BlobExtract
// -------------------------------- start of blob extract ---------------------

if (i == LayerExtNum || EXT_ALL_LAYERS) { //print!!
    char fname[50];
    FILE *extfp1;
    for (int j = 0; j < bottom_vecs_[i].size(); j++) {

        Blob<Dtype>* bp = bottom_vecs_[i][j];
        const Dtype *dptr = bp->cpu_data();
    if (bp->shape().size() == 4) {
       for (int kn = 0; kn < bp->shape()[0]; kn++) { // Blob
          for (int kd = 0; kd < bp->shape()[1]; kd++) { // Ni
             sprintf(fname, "ext/L%02d_%s_B%d_FN%03d.txt",
             extfp1 = fopen(fname,"w");
             for (int kr = 0; kr < bp->shape()[2]; kr++) { // Ny
                fprintf(extfp1, "### kr = %d ##\n", kr);
                for (int kc = 0; kc < bp->shape()[3]; kc++) { // Nx
                   fprintf(extfp1, "%f ",*dptr++);
                   if (kc %8 == 7 || kc == bp->shape()[3]-1) fprintf(extfp1, "\n");
    } // if size 4
    else if (bp->shape().size() == 2) {
       for (int kn = 0; kn < bp->shape()[0]; kn++) { // Blob
          sprintf(fname, "ext/L%02d_%s_B%d_FN%03d.txt",
          extfp1 = fopen(fname,"w");
          for (int kd = 0; kd < bp->shape()[1]; kd++) { // Ni
                   fprintf(extfp1, "%f ",*dptr++);
                   if (kd %8 == 7 || kd == bp->shape()[1]-1) fprintf(extfp1, "\n");
    } // if size 2
    else {
       printf("BSS != 4 or 2, i = %d, j = %d, sz = %zd\n",i,j,bp->shape().size());
    } // for j

    for (int j = 0; j < top_vecs_[i].size(); j++) {

        Blob<Dtype>* tp = top_vecs_[i][j];
        const Dtype *dptr = tp->cpu_data();
    if (tp->shape().size() == 4) { // Blob
       for (int kn = 0; kn < tp->shape()[0]; kn++) { // Blob
          for (int kd = 0; kd < tp->shape()[1]; kd++) { // Ni
             sprintf(fname, "ext/L%02d_%s_T%d_FN%03d.txt",
             extfp1 = fopen(fname,"w");
             for (int kr = 0; kr < tp->shape()[2]; kr++) { // Ny
                fprintf(extfp1, "### kr = %d ##\n", kr);
                for (int kc = 0; kc < tp->shape()[3]; kc++) { // Nx
                   fprintf(extfp1, "%f ",*dptr++);
                   if (kc %8 == 7 || kc == tp->shape()[3]-1) fprintf(extfp1, "\n");
    } // if size 4
    else if (tp->shape().size() == 2) {
       for (int kn = 0; kn < tp->shape()[0]; kn++) { // Blob
          sprintf(fname, "ext/L%02d_%s_T%d_FN%03d.txt",
          extfp1 = fopen(fname,"w");
          for (int kd = 0; kd < tp->shape()[1]; kd++) { // Ni
                   fprintf(extfp1, "%f ",*dptr++);
                   if (kd %8 == 7) fprintf(extfp1, "\n");
    } // if size 2
    else {
       printf("BSS != 4 or 2, i = %d, j = %d, sz = %zd\n",i,j,tp->shape().size());
    } // for j
} // print!!
// -------------------------------- end of blob extract ---------------------

#ifdef WeightExtract
// -------------------------------- start of weight extract ---------------------
if (i == LayerExtNum || EXT_ALL_LAYERS) { //print!!
    char fname[50];
    FILE *extfp1;
    printf("#*#* Ext layer type = %s\n", layers_[i]->type());
    if (strcmp(layers_[i]->type(),"Convolution") == 0){
        printf("It's Convolution Layer!\n");
        vector<shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> > >& lyr_blobs = layers_[i]->blobs();
        // Layer
        printf("layer blob size = %zd\n", lyr_blobs.size());
        //const LayerParameter& lyr_param = layers()[i]->layer_param(); // vector shared_ptr Layer
        printf("lyr_blobs.size() = %zd\n", lyr_blobs.size());
        printf("lyr_blobs[0].shape = %s\n", lyr_blobs[0]->shape_string().c_str());
        printf("lyr_blobs[1].shape = %s\n", lyr_blobs[1]->shape_string().c_str()); // Blob
        Blob<Dtype> *wp = lyr_blobs[0].get(); // weight // shared_ptr
        Blob<Dtype> *bp = lyr_blobs[1].get(); // bias
        printf("No Ni ky kx = %d %d %d %d\n", wp->shape()[0], wp->shape()[1], wp->shape()[2], wp->shape()[3]); // Blob
        printf("Nb = %d\n", bp->shape()[0]);
        int No = wp->shape()[0];
        int Ni = wp->shape()[1];
        int Ky = wp->shape()[2];
        int Kx = wp->shape()[3];
        int Nb = bp->shape()[0];
        const Dtype *wptr = wp->cpu_data();
        const Dtype *bptr = bp->cpu_data();
        // save weights first
        sprintf(fname, "ext/L%02d_%s_Weights.txt",i,layers_[i]->type());
        extfp1 = fopen(fname, "w");
        fprintf(extfp1, "## Layer 0 Conv Weights (No = %d, Ni = %d, Ky = %d, Kx = %d, Nb = %d\n", No, Ni, Ky, Kx, Nb);
        for (int n = 0; n < No; n++){
            fprintf(extfp1, "## For output map %d ##\n", n);
            for (int c = 0; c < Ni; c++){
                fprintf(extfp1, "## for input map %d ##\n", c);
                for (int y = 0; y < Ky; y++) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < Kx; x++) {
                        fprintf(extfp1, "%f ", *wptr++);
                    fprintf(extfp1, "\n");
                fprintf(extfp1, "\n");
        fprintf(extfp1, "## Bias values for outputs ##\n");
        for (int n = 0; n < No; n++){
            fprintf(extfp1, "%f ",*bptr++);
            if (n % 8 == 7) fprintf(extfp1, "\n");
} // print!!
// -------------------------------- end of weight extract ---------------------
  return loss;

添加:我已经运行了来自py-faster-rcnn代码的VGG_ILSVRC_16_layers。 我从中提取数据的层的参数如下。

layer {
  name: "conv1_2"
  type: "Convolution"
  bottom: "conv1_1"
  top: "conv1_2"
  convolution_param { 
    num_output: 64
    pad: 1 kernel_size: 3

添加:主持人删除了我的固定代码,因此我将固定代码添加到此处的kerne weight中。

for(ofm_idx = 0; ofm_idx < NUM_OFM; ofm_idx++) {
    ll = fgets(line, 80, file); // read the line '## For output map ofm_idx'
    for(ifm_idx = 0; ifm_idx < NUM_IFM; ifm_idx++) {

        ll = fgets(line, 80, file); // read the line '## for input map ifm_idx'
        for(kyi = 0; kyi < K; kyi++) {
         fscanf(file, "%f %f %f\n", &v0, &v1, &v2); // K=3 always

            weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][kyi][0] = v0;
            weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][kyi][1] = v1;
            weights[ofm_idx][ifm_idx][kyi][2] = v2;
    // read bias values

尝试转置底部,进行卷积,然后进行比较。 (或转置卷积核)


//bottom data index for convolution
int src_r, src_c;
//pads and strides along row and column
int row_pad = 1, col_pad = 1, row_stride = 1, col_stride = 1; 
for(ofm_idx = 0; ofm_idx < NUM_OFM; ofm_idx++) {
  for(orix = 0; orix < HEIGHT; orix++) {
    for(ocix = 0; ocix < WIDTH; ocix++) {  
      sum = 0.; 
      for(ifm_idx = 0; ifm_idx < NUM_IFM; ifm_idx++) {
        // zero-value padding (used in caffe)
        //The right indexing for bottom data,
        //your original code is wrong here
        src_r= orix * row_stride - row_pad;
        src_c= ocix * col_stride - col_pad;
        in_square[0][0] = (src_r < 0 || src_c < 0 ||
                           src_r >= HEIGHT || src_c >= WIDTH) ?
                           0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][src_r][src_c];
        in_square[0][1] = (src_r < 0 || src_c + 1 < 0 ||
                           src_r >= HEIGHT || src_c + 1 >= WIDTH) ?
                           0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][src_r][src_c + 1];
        in_square[0][2] = (src_r < 0 || src_c + 2 < 0 ||
                           src_r >= HEIGHT || src_c + 2 >= WIDTH) ? 
                           0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][src_r][src_c + 2];
        in_square[1][0] = (src_r + 1 < 0 || src_c < 0 ||
                           src_r + 1 >= HEIGHT || src_c >= WIDTH) ?
                           0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][src_r + 1][src_c];
        in_square[1][1] = (src_r + 1 < 0 || src_c + 1 < 0 ||
                           src_r + 1 >= HEIGHT || src_c + 1 >= WIDTH) ?
                           0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][src_r + 1][src_c + 1];
        in_square[1][2] = (src_r + 1 < 0 || src_c + 2 < 0 ||
                           src_r + 1 >= HEIGHT || src_c + 2 >= WIDTH) ?
                           0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][src_r + 1][src_c + 2];
        in_square[2][0] = (src_r + 2 < 0 || src_c < 0 ||
                           src_r + 2 >= HEIGHT || src_c >= WIDTH) ?
                           0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][src_r + 2][src_c];
        in_square[2][1] = (src_r + 2 < 0 || src_c + 1 < 0 ||
                           src_r + 2 >= HEIGHT || src_c + 1 >= WIDTH) ?
                           0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][src_r + 2][src_c + 1];
        in_square[2][2] = (src_r + 2 < 0 || src_c + 2 < 0 ||
                           src_r + 2 >= HEIGHT || src_c + 2 >= WIDTH) ?
                           0 : bottom[0][ifm_idx][src_r + 2][src_c + 2];

        //apply kernel


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