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[英]In pandas, check if a master string contains a string from a list, if it does remove the substring from the master string and add it to a new column


0   Black Prada zebra leather Large   
1   green Gucci striped Canvas small   
2   blue Prada Monogram calf leather XL

    color    pattern   material     size
0   black    zebra     leather      small
1   green    striped   canvas       xl
2   yellow   checkered calf leather medium
3   orange   monogram
4   white    plain
5            pinstripe

我想将df2中的列与df1(控制大小写不均和空格)进行比较,如果存在匹配项,请将匹配项放在df1中的新列中并将其从A中删除。这应该是完全匹配项这样“小牛皮”就不会错误地与“皮革”相匹配。 因此,结果将仅是A中剩余的不匹配子字符串:

    A            color    pattern   material     size
0   Prada Large  black    zebra     leather      NaN
1   Gucci        green    striped   canvas       small
2   Prada        blue     Monogram  calf leather XL

我已经尝试过使用for循环,但是我的数据集很大,我觉得那没有完全利用熊猫。 我也尝试了contains和isin并没有成功。 是使用.extract并将df2列转换为regex的唯一解决方案吗? 谢谢!


听起来您可能想对从df1中搜索df2列的方式进行排名(我现在在下面称该search )。

在这里,它检查您的search字符串中的最大单词百分比与df2列中的单词匹配的百分比。 如果满足某些要求的阈值,则将其删除。


import pandas

def perc_match(src, s):
    '''Return percentage of words in s found in src'''
    # http://stackoverflow.com/a/26985301/943773
    import re
    s = ' | '.join([r'\b{}\b'.format(x) for x in s.split()])
    r = re.compile(s, flags=re.I | re.X)

    return len(r.findall(src))/len(src)

search = ['Black Prada zebra leather Large',
          'green Gucci striped Canvas small',
          'blue Prada Monogram calf leather XL']

d2 = {'color':['black', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'white',''],
      'pattern':['zebra', 'striped', 'checkered', 'monogram', 'plain',
      'material':['leather', 'canvas', 'calf leather','','',''],
      'size':['small', 'xl', 'medium','','','']}

df2 = pandas.DataFrame(d2)

# Strip whitespace and make all lower case
strip_lower = lambda x: x.strip().lower()
search = list(map(strip_lower, search))
df2 = df2.applymap(strip_lower)

# Combine all columns to single string for each row
df2['full_str'] = df2.apply(lambda row: ' '.join(row), axis=1)

# Min percent matching
min_thresh = 0.1

# Calculate the percentage match for each row of dataframe
rm_ind = list()
for i in range(len(search)):
    s = search[i]
    # If you want you could save these `perc_matches` for later
    perc_matches = df2['full_str'].apply(perc_match, args=(s,))
    # Mark for removal if above threshold
    if perc_matches.max() > min_thresh:

# Remove indices from `search`
for i in rm_ind:
    del search[i]


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