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[英]Pandas - check if a string column in one dataframe contains a pair of strings from another dataframe

这个问题是基于我问的另一个问题,我没有完全解决这个问题: Pandas-检查字符串列是否包含一对字符串



df1 = pd.DataFrame({'consumption':['squirrel ate apple', 'monkey likes apple', 
                                  'monkey banana gets', 'badger gets banana', 'giraffe eats grass', 'badger apple loves', 'elephant is huge', 'elephant eats banana tree', 'squirrel digs in grass']})

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'food':['apple', 'apple', 'banana', 'banana'], 
                   'creature':['squirrel', 'badger', 'monkey', 'elephant']})



['True', 'False', 'True', 'False', 'False', 'True', 'False', 'True', 'False']


松鼠吃了苹果= True,因为松鼠和苹果是一对。 猴子喜欢苹果=错误,因为猴子和苹果不是我们要寻找的一对。




from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

vect = CountVectorizer()

X = vect.fit_transform(df1.consumption)
Y = vect.transform(df2.creature + ' ' + df2.food)

res = np.ravel(np.any((X.dot(Y.T) > 1).todense(), axis=1))


In [67]: res
Out[67]: array([ True, False,  True, False, False,  True, False,  True, False], dtype=bool)


In [68]: pd.DataFrame(X.toarray(), columns=vect.get_feature_names())
   apple  ate  badger  banana  digs  eats  elephant  gets  giraffe  grass  huge  in  is  likes  loves  monkey  squirrel  tree
0      1    1       0       0     0     0         0     0        0      0     0   0   0      0      0       0         1     0
1      1    0       0       0     0     0         0     0        0      0     0   0   0      1      0       1         0     0
2      0    0       0       1     0     0         0     1        0      0     0   0   0      0      0       1         0     0
3      0    0       1       1     0     0         0     1        0      0     0   0   0      0      0       0         0     0
4      0    0       0       0     0     1         0     0        1      1     0   0   0      0      0       0         0     0
5      1    0       1       0     0     0         0     0        0      0     0   0   0      0      1       0         0     0
6      0    0       0       0     0     0         1     0        0      0     1   0   1      0      0       0         0     0
7      0    0       0       1     0     1         1     0        0      0     0   0   0      0      0       0         0     1
8      0    0       0       0     1     0         0     0        0      1     0   1   0      0      0       0         1     0

In [69]: pd.DataFrame(Y.toarray(), columns=vect.get_feature_names())
   apple  ate  badger  banana  digs  eats  elephant  gets  giraffe  grass  huge  in  is  likes  loves  monkey  squirrel  tree
0      1    0       0       0     0     0         0     0        0      0     0   0   0      0      0       0         1     0
1      1    0       1       0     0     0         0     0        0      0     0   0   0      0      0       0         0     0
2      0    0       0       1     0     0         0     0        0      0     0   0   0      0      0       1         0     0
3      0    0       0       1     0     0         1     0        0      0     0   0   0      0      0       0         0     0


In [92]: df1['match'] = np.ravel(np.any((X.dot(Y.T) > 1).todense(), axis=1))

In [93]: df1
                 consumption  match
0         squirrel ate apple   True
1         monkey likes apple  False
2         monkey banana gets   True
3         badger gets banana  False
4         giraffe eats grass  False
5         badger apple loves   True
6           elephant is huge  False
7  elephant eats banana tree   True
8     squirrel digs in grass  False
9        squirrel.eats/apple   True   # <----- NOTE


c = df1.consumption.values.tolist()
f = df2.food.values.tolist()
a = df2.creature.values.tolist() 

check = np.array([[fd in cs and cr in cs for fd, cr in zip(f, a)] for cs in c])


array([ True, False,  True, False, False,  True, False,  True, False], dtype=bool)

这是@MaxU所做的pandas版本。 尊重他的所作所为...太棒了!

X = df1.consumption.str.get_dummies(' ')
Y = (df2.creature + ' ' + df2.food).str.get_dummies(' ') \
    .reindex_axis(X.columns, 1, fill_value=0)

# This is where you can see which rows from `df2` (columns)
# matched with which rows from `df1` (rows) 
XY = X.dot(Y.T)


   0  1  2  3
0  2  1  0  0
1  1  1  1  0
2  0  0  2  1
3  0  1  1  1
4  0  0  0  0
5  1  2  0  0
6  0  0  0  1
7  0  0  1  2
8  1  0  0  0

# return the desired `True`s and `False`s


0     True
1    False
2     True
3    False
4    False
5     True
6    False
7     True
8    False
dtype: bool




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