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[英]How do I sort my columns so that they match the order of rows in a different dataframe?

多亏了堆栈,我能够首先根据“状态”然后按“ ID”对数据框进行排序,如下所示:

  ID             status
1 patient19      0
2 patient21      0
3  patient7      1
4 patient10      1

(使pheno df的代码):

ID = c("patient19", "patient21", "patient7", "patient10")
pheno = as.data.frame(ID)
pheno$status = c("0", "0", "1", "1")
row.names(phenodf) = pheno$ID

但是现在我有了第二个数据框,其中的ID现在是列标题,并且需要对它们进行排序,以使其与pheno df匹配。 我怎样才能做到这一点?

gene     patient7 patient21 patient19 patient10
ABC      1.5       2.3       3.3       4.4
A2B      2.5       1.3       3.1       2.3
DE5      3.5       3.3       3.4       1.4
ZXY      4.5       4.3       3.6       5.1


patient7 = c(1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5)
genes = as.data.frame(patient7)
genes$patient21 = c(2.3, 1.3, 3.3, 4.3)
genes$patient19 = c(3.3, 3.1, 3.4, 3.6)
genes$patient10 = c(4.4, 2.3, 1.4, 5.1)
row.names(genes) = c("ABC", "A2B", "DE5", "ZXY")


genes     patient19 patient21 patient7 patient10
ABC       3.3       2.3      1.5       4.4
A2B       3.1       1.3      2.5       2.3
DE5       3.4       3.3      3.5       1.4
ZXY       3.6       4.3      4.5       5.1


genes[, match(colnames(genes), rownames(pheno))]


3 2 1 4



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