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[英]How to treat a var as both int and string.

def die():
    first = str(randint(1, 6))
    second = str(randint(1, 6))
    total = first + second
    print "You have rolled a " + first + " and a " + second + ", for a total score of " + total + "."

标准的掷骰子游戏,但是我很难打印单个骰子的值以及总数。 将其视为单个字符串,然后求和会导致串联,而不是实际求和。



def die():
    first = randint(1, 6)
    second = randint(1, 6)
    total = first + second
    print "You have rolled a", first, "and a", second, ", for a total score of", total, "."


print "You have rolled a {} and a {}, for a \
total score of {}.".format(first, second, total)

有两种方法可以解决您的问题(还有更多方法!)。 首先,您需要确保将整数加在一起时将整数保留为int类型,然后在打印出来时将其转换为字符串。


def die1():
    """Roll and print two dice using concat."""
    first = randint(1, 6) # keep these as integers
    second = randint(1, 6)
    total = first + second # so addition works
    # but now cast to str when printing
    print "You have rolled a " + str(first) + " and a " + str(second) + ", for a total score of " + str(total) + "."

但是更方便的方法是使用str.format()方法在字符串中放置占位符,然后让python为您str.format()和格式化整数值。 如果您有4个或更多数字的大数字,那么这样做的好处是,您可以使用字符串格式代码,例如"my big number: {0:d,}".format(1000000)以使字符串输出类似于"my big number: 1,000,000" ,可读性更高。

def die2():
    """Roll and print two dice using str.format()."""
    first = randint(1, 6)
    second = randint(1, 6)
    total = first + second
    # or use the str.format() method, which does this for you
    print "You have rolled a {0} and a {1}, for a total score of {3}.".format(first, second, total)

您可以使用强制转换来更改var的结构。 您既可以将它们用作字符串,也可以使用以下代码行:

 total = int(first) + int(second)



print "You have rolled a " + str(first)这会将int转换为字符串,从而将其连接起来。

此外,您可以执行total = int(first) + int(second)解决第一个问题。


  1. 在添加数字之前将其转换回int

     def die(): first = str(randint(1, 6)) second = str(randint(1, 6)) total = str(int(first) + int(second)) print ("You have rolled a " + first + " and a " + second + ", for a total score of " + total + ".") 
  2. 在打印数字之前将其转换为str

     def die(): first = randint(1, 6) second = randint(1, 6) total = first + second print ("You have rolled a " + str(first) + " and a " + str(second) + ", for a total score of " + str(total) + ".") 


这也将起作用。 在对它们执行求和之前,请勿将firstsecond转换为str 然后记住在print语句中将它们转换为str

def die():
    first = randint(1, 6)
    second = randint(1, 6)
    total = str(first + second)
    print ("You have rolled a " + str(first) + " and a " + str(second) + ", for a total score of " + total + ".")


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