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如何访问3D CV :: Mat的索引

[英]How to access indexes of a 3D CV::Mat

尝试访问3D CV :: Mat的索引时遇到分段错误。 代码如下,

int channel = 3;
int sizes[] = { imageheight, imageWidth};
CV::Mat test(2, sizes, CV_8UC3)
for(int i=0;i<image2D->size();i++)
        Point2D &_point = image2D->at(i);       

        test.at<unsigned char>(_point.y,_point.x,0) = _point.rgb.r;
        test.at<unsigned char>(_point.y,_point.x,1) = _point.rgb.g;
        test.at<unsigned char>(_point.y,_point.x,2) = _point.rgb.b; // Segmentation fault in this line

以下方法不会崩溃,但会输出黑色图像。 我不确定我是否做得正确,

unsigned char *ptest = test.ptr<unsigned char>(_point.y);
        ptest[channel*_point.x+ 0] = _point.rgb.r;
        ptest[channel*_point.x+ 1] = _point.rgb.g;
        ptest[channel*_point.x+ 2] = _point.rgb.b;


将代码更新为以下代码,使我可以为数组下标编译错误无效类型'unsigned char [int]'

Matrix test(imageheight, imageWidth, CV_8UC3);
for(int i=0;i<image2D->size();i++)
        Point2D &_point = image2D->at(i);
        // Compile error on the below 3 lines.
        test.at<unsigned char>(_point.y, _point.x)[0] = _point.rgb.b;
        test.at<unsigned char>(_point.y, _point.x)[1] = _point.rgb.g;
        test.at<unsigned char>(_point.y, _point.x)[2] = _point.rgb.r;


编译错误在我使用[]访问通道索引的位置。 我想这不是访问频道的正确方法。

通过多个渠道访问cv :: Mat的最简单方法,

cv::Mat3b test(imageheight, imageWidth, CV_8UC3);
for(int i=0;i<image2D->size();i++)
    Point2D &_point = image2D->at(i);
    test.at<cv::Vec3b>(_point.y, _point.x)[0] = _point.rgb.b;
    test.at<cv::Vec3b>(_point.y, _point.x)[1] = _point.rgb.g;
    test.at<cv::Vec3b>(_point.y, _point.x)[2] = _point.rgb.r;

对于单通道cv :: Mat

cv::Mat test(imageheight, imageWidth, CV_32FC1);

for(int i=0;i<image2D->size();i++)
    Point2D &_point = image2D->at(i);
    test.at<float>(_point.y, _point.x) = _point.r;



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