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[英]Anonymous vs struct lifetime for assignment


fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

pub struct Token<'a> {
    pub line: usize,
    // Col in code points.
    pub col: usize,
    // Index in bytes.
    pub index: usize,
    pub state: TokenState,
    pub text: &'a str,

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum TokenState {

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ParseState {

pub struct Node<'a> {
    kids: Vec<Node<'a>>,
    state: ParseState,
    token: Option<&'a Token<'a>>,

impl<'a> Node<'a> {
    fn new(state: ParseState) -> Node<'a> {
        Node {
            kids: vec![],
            token: None,

    fn new_token(token: &'a Token<'a>) -> Node<'a> {
        // TODO Control state? Some token state?
        Node {
            kids: vec![],
            state: ParseState::Expr,
            token: Some(&token),

    fn push_if(&mut self, node: Node<'a>) {
        if !node.kids.is_empty() {

pub fn parse<'a>(tokens: &'a Vec<Token<'a>>) -> Node<'a> {
    let mut root = Node::new(ParseState::Expr);
    let mut parser = Parser {
        index: 0,
        tokens: tokens,
    parser.parse_block(&mut root);

struct Parser<'a> {
    index: usize,
    tokens: &'a Vec<Token<'a>>,

impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
    fn parse_block(&mut self, parent: &mut Node) {
        loop {
            let mut row = Node::new(ParseState::Expr);
            match self.peek() {
                Some(_) => {
                    self.parse_row(&mut row);
                None => {

    fn parse_row(&mut self, parent: &mut Node) {
        loop {
            match self.next() {
                Some(ref token) => match token.state {
                    TokenState::VSpace => break,
                    _ => {
                None => break,

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&Token> {
        let index = self.index;
        if index < self.tokens.len() {
            self.index += 1;

    fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<&Token> {



error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for autoref due to conflicting requirements
  --> src/main.rs:90:24
90 |             match self.next() {
   |                        ^^^^
note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the lifetime 'a as defined on the impl at 72:1...
  --> src/main.rs:72:1
72 | / impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
73 | |     fn parse_block(&mut self, parent: &mut Node) {
74 | |         loop {
75 | |             let mut row = Node::new(ParseState::Expr);
...  |
112| |     }
113| | }
   | |_^
note: ...so that the type `Parser<'a>` is not borrowed for too long
  --> src/main.rs:90:19
90 |             match self.next() {
   |                   ^^^^
note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the anonymous lifetime #3 defined on the method body at 88:5...
  --> src/main.rs:88:5
88 | /     fn parse_row(&mut self, parent: &mut Node) {
89 | |         loop {
90 | |             match self.next() {
91 | |                 Some(ref token) => match token.state {
...  |
99 | |         }
100| |     }
   | |_____^
note: ...so that expression is assignable (expected Node<'_>, found Node<'_>)
  --> src/main.rs:94:42
94 |                         parent.kids.push(Node::new_token(&token));
   |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

所有参考都应绑定到相同的外部寿命。 在我的完整代码中(我只是在这里摘录了一部分),我希望可以使用原始的已解析源,并且我正在尝试将所有内容都与此相关。

我知道错误消息正在尝试提供帮助,但是我真的不确定冲突是什么。 我不确定这里还有哪些终身问题与我所遇到的同一问题有关。


fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&Token>

该函数承诺返回Option<&Token> 这里有被遗忘的生命 让我们重写签名以使其明确:

fn next<'b>(&'b mut self) -> Option<&'b Token<'b>>

现在我们可以看到, next在生命周期'b是通用的。 注意返回类型如何使用'b而不是'a 这本身是有效的,因为编译器可以推断出'b'a a短,并且可变引用( &'a mut T )与'a (在这种情况下为“ covariant”)是变的,这意味着我们可以替代寿命'a具有较短寿命)。 但是该函数最终有希望的是,结果的寿命至少与它的寿命一样长,而实际上它的寿命至少与'a一样长。

Parser::parse_row ,您尝试获取Parser::next的结果并将其插入parent 让我们看一下Parser::parse_row的签名:

fn parse_row(&mut self, parent: &mut Node)

我们在这里再次省略了一些生命。 让我们把它们拼出来:

fn parse_row<'b, 'c, 'd>(&'b mut self, parent: &'c mut Node<'d>)



note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the lifetime 'd as defined on the method body at 88:5...
  --> src/main.rs:88:5
88 | /     fn parse_row<'b, 'c, 'd>(&'b mut self, parent: &'c mut Node<'d>) {
89 | |         loop {
90 | |             match self.next() {
91 | |                 Some(ref token) => match token.state {
...  |
99 | |         }
100| |     }
   | |_____^
note: ...so that expression is assignable (expected Node<'d>, found Node<'_>)
  --> src/main.rs:94:42
94 |                         parent.kids.push(Node::new_token(&token));
   |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

现在,匿名生命周期之一被标识为'd 另一个仍然是匿名生命周期,这是编译器如何操纵生命周期的产物,但我们可以将其视为'b

现在该问题应该更清楚了:我们正在尝试将Node<'b>推入Node<'d>对象的集合中。 重要的是类型必须精确地是Node<'d> ,因为可变引用( &'a mut T )在T是不变的(“不变”表示它不能改变)。

让我们的寿命匹配。 首先,我们将更改next的签名以匹配我们实际可以返回的内容:

fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a Token<'a>>

这意味着现在,当我们在parse_row调用self.next()时,我们将能够构造Node<'a> Node<'x>只能存储Node<'x>对象(根据您对Node的定义),因此parent参数的引用对象也必须为Node<'a>类型。

fn parse_row(&mut self, parent: &mut Node<'a>)

如果我们现在尝试编译,我们会得到一个错误Parser::parse_block在调用parse_row 问题类似于我们刚刚看到的。 parse_block的签名是:

fn parse_block(&mut self, parent: &mut Node)


fn parse_block<'b, 'c, 'd>(&'b mut self, parent: &'c mut Node<'d>)


error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for lifetime parameter `'a` due to conflicting requirements
  --> src/main.rs:78:26
78 |                     self.parse_row(&mut row);
   |                          ^^^^^^^^^
note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the lifetime 'a as defined on the impl at 72:1...
  --> src/main.rs:72:1
72 | / impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
73 | |     fn parse_block<'b, 'c, 'd>(&'b mut self, parent: &'c mut Node<'d>) {
74 | |         loop {
75 | |             let mut row = Node::new(ParseState::Expr);
...  |
112| |     }
113| | }
   | |_^
note: ...so that types are compatible (expected &mut Parser<'_>, found &mut Parser<'a>)
  --> src/main.rs:78:26
78 |                     self.parse_row(&mut row);
   |                          ^^^^^^^^^
note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the lifetime 'd as defined on the method body at 73:5...
  --> src/main.rs:73:5
73 | /     fn parse_block<'b, 'c, 'd>(&'b mut self, parent: &'c mut Node<'d>) {
74 | |         loop {
75 | |             let mut row = Node::new(ParseState::Expr);
76 | |             match self.peek() {
...  |
85 | |         }
86 | |     }
   | |_____^
note: ...so that types are compatible (expected &mut Node<'_>, found &mut Node<'d>)
  --> src/main.rs:84:20
84 |             parent.push_if(row);
   |                    ^^^^^^^

编译器无法推断row的类型(特别是,其类型为Node<'x>的生存期)。 一方面,对parse_row的调用意味着它应该是Node<'a> ,但是对push_if的调用意味着它应该是Node<'d> 'a'd是无关的,因此编译器不知道如何统一它们。

该解决方案很容易,并且与上述相同:只需使parent具有&mut Node<'a>

fn parse_block(&mut self, parent: &mut Node<'a>)



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