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[英]How to read the Font and Background color in excel using xlrd version 1.1.0



import xlrd
book = xlrd.open_workbook("sample.xls", formatting_info=True)
sheets = book.sheet_names()
print "sheets are:", sheets
for index, sh in enumerate(sheets):
    sheet = book.sheet_by_index(index)
    print "Sheet:", sheet.name
    rows, cols = sheet.nrows, sheet.ncols
    print "Number of rows: %s   Number of cols: %s" % (rows, cols)
    for row in range(rows):
        for col in range(cols):
            print "row, col is:", row+1, col+1,
            thecell = sheet.cell(row, col)      
            # could get 'dump', 'value', 'xf_index'
            print thecell.value,
            xfx = sheet.cell_`enter code here`xf_index(row, col)
            xf = book.xf_list[xfx]
            bgx = xf.background.pattern_colour_index
            print bgx



python xlrd预先谢谢


您需要使用xf_index来获取xlrd.formatting.XF对象。 比使用各种索引从book对象本身获取信息。 导致大多数实际样式信息(如颜色)存储在书中。 所有其他元素仅具有指向书籍数据列表或字典的索引:

colour_map一样: http : colour_map

或者, font_listhttp : font_list


import xlrd

book = xlrd.open_workbook("sample.xls", formatting_info=True)

def get_front_color(xf):
    font = book.font_list[xf.font_index]
    if not font:
        return None

    return get_color(font.colour_index)

def get_back_color(xf):
    if not xf.background:
        return None

    return get_color(xf.background.background_colour_index)

def get_color(color_index):
    return book.colour_map.get(color_index)

def get_if_protected(xf):
    if not xf.protection:
        return False

    return xf.protection.cell_locked

sheets = book.sheet_names()
for index, sh in enumerate(sheets):
    sheet = book.sheet_by_index(index)
    print "Sheet:", sheet.name
    rows, cols = sheet.nrows, sheet.ncols
    for row in range(rows):
        for col in range(cols):
            c = sheet.cell(row, col)
            xf = book.xf_list[c.xf_index]

            print u'{},{}:{:>6}: FRONT: {:>20} | BACK: {:>20} | LOCKED: {}'.format(
                row, col, c.value, get_front_color(xf), get_back_color(xf), get_if_protected(xf)

警告:虽然我不确定锁定标志。 由于我使用的是Libre Office,因此我无法完全测试它,并且文档中提到了Open Office衍生产品的一些问题: http : //xlrd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#xlrd.formatting.XFProtection


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