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Python 垃圾收集有时在 Jupyter Notebook 中不起作用

[英]Python Garbage Collection sometimes not working in Jupyter Notebook

我的某些 Jupyter Notebook 的 RAM 不断耗尽,而且我似乎无法释放不再需要的内存。 下面是一个例子:

import gc
thing = Thing()
result = thing.do_something(...)
thing = None

正如您可以假设的那样, thing使用大量内存来做某事,然后我不再需要它了。 我应该能够释放它使用的内存。 即使它没有写入我可以从笔记本访问的任何变量,垃圾收集器也没有正确释放空间。 我发现的唯一解决方法是将result写入泡菜,重新启动内核,从泡菜加载result ,然后继续。 这在运行长笔记本时真的很不方便。 如何正确释放内存?

这里有许多问题在起作用。 第一个是 IPython(当你看到像Out[67]这样的东西时,Jupyter 在幕后使用的东西会保持对对象的额外引用。事实上,你可以使用这种语法来调用对象并用它做一些事情。例如str(Out[67]) . 第二个问题是 Jupyter 似乎保留了自己的输出变量引用,因此只有完全重置 IPython 才能工作。但这与仅重新启动笔记本没有太大区别。

不过有解决办法! 我写了一个你可以运行的函数,它会清除所有变量,除了你明确要求保留的变量。

def my_reset(*varnames):
    varnames are what you want to keep
    globals_ = globals()
    to_save = {v: globals_[v] for v in varnames}
    to_save['my_reset'] = my_reset  # lets keep this function by default
    del globals_


x = 1
y = 2
assert 'y' not in globals()
assert x == 1

下面我写了一个笔记本,向您展示了一些幕后发生的事情,以及您如何使用weakref模块查看何时真正删除了weakref 您可以尝试运行它,看看它是否可以帮助您了解正在发生的事情。

In [1]: class MyObject:

In [2]: obj = MyObject()

In [3]: # now lets try deleting the object
        # First, create a weak reference to obj, so we can know when it is truly deleted.
        from weakref import ref
        from sys import getrefcount
        r = ref(obj)
        print("the weak reference looks like", r)
        print("it has a reference count of", getrefcount(r()))
        # this prints a ref count of 2 (1 for obj and 1 because getrefcount
        # had a reference to obj)
        del obj
        # since obj was the only strong reference to the object, it should have been 
        # garbage collected now.
        print("the weak reference looks like", r)

the weak reference looks like <weakref at 0x7f29a809d638; to 'MyObject' at 0x7f29a810cf60>
it has a reference count of 2
the weak reference looks like <weakref at 0x7f29a809d638; dead>

In [4]: # lets try again, but this time we won't print obj, will just do "obj"
        obj = MyObject()

In [5]: print(getrefcount(obj))

Out[5]: <__main__.MyObject at 0x7f29a80a0c18>

In [6]: # note the "Out[5]". This is a second reference to our object
        # and will keep it alive if we delete obj
        r = ref(obj)
        del obj
        print("the weak reference looks like", r)
        print("with a reference count of:", getrefcount(r()))

the weak reference looks like <weakref at 0x7f29a809db88; to 'MyObject' at 0x7f29a80a0c18>
with a reference count of: 7

In [7]: # So what happened? It's that Out[5] that is keeping the object alive.
        # if we clear our Out variables it should go away...
        # As it turns out Juypter keeps a number of its own variables lying around, 
        # so we have to reset pretty everything.

In [8]: def my_reset(*varnames):
            varnames are what you want to keep
            globals_ = globals()
            to_save = {v: globals_[v] for v in varnames}
            to_save['my_reset'] = my_reset  # lets keep this function by default
            del globals_

        my_reset('r') # clear everything except our weak reference to the object
        # you would use this to keep "thing" around.

Once deleted, variables cannot be recovered. Proceed (y/[n])? y

In [9]: print("the weak reference looks like", r)

the weak reference looks like <weakref at 0x7f29a809db88; dead>

我遇到了同样的问题,经过数小时的努力,对我有用的解决方案非常精简。 您只需要将所有代码包含在一个单元格中。 在同一个单元格中,垃圾收集正常执行,只有在您离开单元格之后,变量才具有所有额外引用并且不可收集。

对于长笔记本,这可能是一种非常不方便且不可读的方式,但是,其想法是您可以在单元格中对该单元格中的变量执行垃圾收集。 因此,也许您可​​以在离开单元格之前以一种可以在单元格末尾调用gc.collect()的方式组织您的代码。



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