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[英]How can I change the lights moving direction from the current light?

当我使阵列反向时,问题出在LightsEffectCore中。 灯光会改变方向,但不会改变当前的灯光。 它正在跳转到其他光线指标,并从那里改变方向。

我希望它改变当前光指数的方向。 如果光线现在在索引5上并且我改变方向,则从5移至4,如果我改变方向,则再次从4移至5。

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class LightsEffect : MonoBehaviour
    public List<UnityEngine.GameObject> waypoints = new List<UnityEngine.GameObject>();
    public int howmanylight = 5;
    public Generatenumbers gn;
    public bool changeLightsDirection = false;
    public float delay = 0.1f;

    private List<UnityEngine.GameObject> objects;
    private Renderer[] renderers;
    private int greenIndex = 0;
    private float lastChangeTime;

    private void Start()
        objects = new List<UnityEngine.GameObject>();

        if (howmanylight > 0)
            UnityEngine.GameObject go1 = UnityEngine.GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
            duplicateObject(go1, howmanylight);

    private void Update()

    public void duplicateObject(UnityEngine.GameObject original, int howmany)
        for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.Count - 1; i++)
            for (int j = 1; j < howmany; j++)
                Vector3 position = waypoints[i].transform.position + j * (waypoints[i + 1].transform.position - waypoints[i].transform.position) / howmany;
                UnityEngine.GameObject go = Instantiate(original, new Vector3(position.x, 0, position.z), Quaternion.identity);
                go.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.3f, 0.1f, 0.3f);

    private void LightsEffects()
        renderers = new Renderer[objects.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < renderers.Length; i++)
            renderers[i] = objects[i].GetComponent<Renderer>();
            renderers[i].material.color = Color.red;

        // Set green color to the first one
        greenIndex = 0;
        renderers[greenIndex].material.color = Color.green;

    private void LightsEffectCore()
        // Change color each `delay` seconds
        if (Time.time > lastChangeTime + delay)
            lastChangeTime = Time.time;

            // Set color of the last renderer to red
            // and the color of the current one to green
            renderers[greenIndex].material.color = Color.red;
            if (changeLightsDirection == true)
                changeLightsDirection = false;
            greenIndex = (greenIndex + 1) % renderers.Length;
            renderers[greenIndex].material.color = Color.green;

反转数组时,还必须更改greenIndex。 如果您不这样做,那么该索引处的新值将是相反的值,这就是为什么它看起来像在跳开。 如果要避免它跳来跳去,请将索引设置为greenIndex = renderers.Lenght-greenIndex。



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