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C# Unity3D 微积分

[英]C# Unity3D Calculus

我想用 Unity 做类似于 MATLAB 的数学运算,也想用化学、物理和工程学做科学类的事情。


我仍在学习微分方程,但想将其与 C# 中的数值计算联系起来进行计算。

public double Derivative(Func<double, double> function, double x, double h)
    return (function(x + h) - function(x)) / h;

public double SecondDerivative(Func<double, double> function, double x, double h)
    return (function(x + h) - 2 * function(x) + function(x - h)) / (h * h);

public double ThirdDerivative(Func<double, double> function, double x, double h)
    return (function(x + 3 * h) - 3 * function(x + 2 * h) + 3 * function(x + h) - function(x)) / (h * h * h);

public double PartialDerivativeX(Func<double, double, double> function, double x, double y, double h)
    return (function(x + h, y) - function(x, y)) / h;

public double PartialDerivativeY(Func<double, double, double> function, double x, double y, double h)
    return (function(x, y + h) - function(x, y)) / h;




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您的实现是一个很好的近似值(因为导数是一个极限,而h是一个有限值)。 但是,我建议一些不同的代码:

public static class MyMath {
  // static: we don't want "this"
  // Func<double, double> return value: derivative is a function, not a value. 
  //   If we want a point - double - let's name the method as DerivativeAt 
  // No h - we can't provide correct h for all possible x
  public static Func<double, double> Derivative(Func<double, double> function) {
    //DONE: Validate public methods arguments
    if (null == function)
      throw new ArgumentNullException("function");

    return new Func<double, double>((x) => {
      // Let's compute h for given x 
      // Easiest, but not the best 
      double h = Math.Abs(x) < 1e-10 ? 1e-16 : x / 1.0e6;

      // "Central" derivative is often a better choice then right one ((f(x + h) - f(x))/h)
      return (function(x + h) - function(x - h)) / (2.0 * h);

  // h = 0.0: be nice and let user has no idea what step is reasonable   
  public static double DerivativeAt(Func<double, double> function, 
                                    double x, 
                                    double h = 0.0) {
    //DONE: Validate public methods arguments
    if (null == function)
      throw new ArgumentNullException("function");

    // If user don't want to provide h, let's compute it 
    if (0 == h) 
      h = Math.Abs(x) < 1e-10 ? 1e-16 : x / 1.0e6; // Easiest, but not the best 

    // "Central" derivative is often a better choice then right one ((f(x + h) - f(x))/h)
    return (function(x + h) - function(x - h)) / (2.0 * h);

如果您经常使用Derivative ,您可以尝试将其声明为扩展方法

public static Func<double, double> Derivative(this Func<double, double> function) {...}

public static double DerivativeAt(this Func<double, double> function, 
                                  double x, 
                                  double h = 0.0) { ... }

演示:让我们找出当x[0 .. 2 * PI)范围内的Sin函数时的最大误差

// We don't want to repeat pesky "MyMath" in "MyMath.Derivative" 
using static MyNamespace.MyMath;


// Derivative of Sin (expected to be Cos) 
var d_sin = Derivative(x => Math.Sin(x));

double maxError = Enumerable
  .Range(0, 1000)
  .Select(i => 2.0 * Math.PI * i / 1000.0)
  .Select(x => Math.Abs(d_sin(x) - Math.Cos(x))) // d(sin(x)) / dx == cos(x) 




编辑: “中央”衍生品。


df/dx == lim (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h
         h -> 0

但是我们可以问: h如何趋向于0 对于复数,我们有很多方法(例如, h可以螺旋下降到0或沿着一条直线); 实数的情况下, h可以是正数右半导数)或负数左半导数)。 通常(标准定义)我们要求左半导数等于右半导数才能得到导数:

d+f(x) == d-f(x) == df/dx


df/dx == (d+f(x) + d-f(x)) / 2  

例如, d(abs(x))/dxx = 0

d-abs(x)      = -1
d+abs(x)      =  1
d abs(x) / dx    doesn't exist (standard definition)
d abs(x) / dx =  0 "central", lenient definition.

请注意,您当前的代码实际上计算的是正确的半导数 Abs(x)的情况下,你会弄错1 如果不是在微积分中而是在工程中(想象一辆确实有速度的移动汽车), 0在上下文中是一个更好的答案。 另一个问题是,当计算x处的导数时,我们不需要f存在x处。 例如

f(x) = x / abs(x) which can be put as

       -1 when x < 0
f(x) =    doesn't exist when x = 0
       +1 when x > 0 

请注意, x = 0处的导数df/dx存在(它是正无穷大)。 这就是为什么在计算导数时我们应该避免计算f(x) 您当前的代码将返回

 (h / h + 0 / 0) / h == (1 + NaN) / h == NaN 

double.NaN - 导数不存在(这是错误的); “中心”衍生品将回归

 (h/h - -h/h) / (2 * h) == 1 / h == some huge number (approximation of +Inf)


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