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[英]How to remove a string with specific pattern without using REGEX?


input: so sh [/] she had a [^ wheee] .
output: so sh [/] she had a .

input: aah [!] [^ makes sound effects] .
output: aah.

input: and she say (.) I got it [^ repeats 2 times] .
output: and she say (.) I got it .

input: oh no[x 3] .
output: oh  no.

input: xxx [^ /bosolasafiso/]
output: xxx

input: hi [* med]
oupt: hi [* med]


正在从文件中读取所有“输入”,因此请注意,即使我使用“ split()”,诸如[^ whee]之类的单词也将被视为两个不同的单词。

我需要一个条件,其中仅保留包含[/] [*单词。 以“ [”开头的其他单词应替换为空字符串。

假定原始文本中没有大括号,则以下解决方案有效。 否则,请使用其他一对定界符(例如<<>> )。

s1 = 'so sh [/] [* med] she had a [^ wheee] .' 

首先,代替[]在每个[/ X][* X]与片段{} ,分别以保护它们免受消除。 然后在方括号中消除所有监视的片段。 最后,将所有花括号放回方括号中:

re.sub(r"\[[^]]*]", "", # Remove [Y] blocks
        re.sub(r"\[([/*][^]]*)]", r"{\1}", s1)) # Rename [X] to {X}\
  .replace("{", "[") # Restore the original brackets\
  .replace("}", "]")
#'so sh [/] [* med] she had a  .'


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