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如何使用 Python 覆盖 CSV 文件中的特定行

[英]How do I overwrite a specific line in a CSV file with Python

我正在制作一个程序,让您将数据输入到 CSV 文件中,然后让您搜索特定客户,并从系统中删除特定客户。 我已经完成了查看部分,但我不知道如何覆盖 csv 文件中的特定行。 这是我到目前为止:

    choice = str(input("What would you like to do?"))
    if choice.lower() == "delete":
        Type = str(input("Type in 'Phone' to delete by Phone number and 'Name' to delete by Surnames: "))
        if Type.lower() == "phone":
            view = str(input("Enter the phone number of the customer you want to delete: "))
            check = csv.reader(open('D:\Programming\School Work\Johns Decorating company program\Customers.csv', "rt"), delimiter=",")
            for line in check:
                if view in line:
                    confirm = str(input("Type 'Yes' to delete all of the quotes above. Type 'No' to restart or to select in a different way"))
                    if confirm.lower() == "yes":
                        #!THIS IS WHERE I'M CONFUSED!
                    elif confirm.lower() == "no":
                        print("Restarting search")

您可以将 csv 转换为列表并写入:

for i in range(len(check)):
  if check[i][column_index] == phone_number:  # column_index is index
                                              # of a column where the phone numbers are stored
   del csv_list[i]



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