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[英]Function that takes a binary tree and returns the sum



实现一个函数sum/1 ,该函数采用一棵二叉树并返回树中所有值的和。 该树表示如下:

 @type tree :: {:node, integer(), tree(), tree()} | nil



  1. 递归地走树

  2. 将给定函数应用于当前节点的值,在左分支上执行该函数的结果,在右分支上执行该函数的结果

     defmodule Treewalk do @type tree :: {:node, integer(), tree(), tree()} | nil def depth({:node, value, nil, nil}, _fun) do value end def depth({:node, value, nil, right}, fun) do fun.(value, depth(right, fun), nil) end def depth({:node, value, left, nil}, fun) do fun.(value, depth(left, fun), nil) end def depth({:node, value, left, right}, fun) do fun.(value, depth(left, fun), depth(right, fun)) end # The function to be run on each # node of the tree which is passed # the current value, the result of # running the funciton on the left # branch and the result of running # the function on the right branch def adder(a, b, nil) do a + b end def adder(a, b, c) do a + b + c end # Test tess def tree do {:node, 1, {:node, 2, {:node, 4, nil, nil}, nil }, {:node, 3, nil, {:node, 4, nil, nil} } } end def sum(tree) do depth(tree, &adder/3) end # run a test, returns 14 def test do depth(tree(), &adder/3) end end 


@type tree :: {:node, integer(), tree(), tree()} | nil

def sum(nil), do: 0

def sum({:node, int, l, r}) do

  int + sum(l) + sum(r)



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