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[英]How to split a CSV file on blank rows

我有一个CSV文件,它在两个空白行后启动一个新主题。 我想将此文件拆分为两个不同的文件。 我怎样才能做到这一点?

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Student Exam    # Questions Correct Answers Score %
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Student Exam    # Questions Correct Answers Score %
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我曾尝试使用dropnasskiprows来分割数据帧,但我不想硬编码行数。 我想基于前两个空白行进行拆分。


with open('input.txt','r') as input_file:
    data_str = input_file.read()
    data_array = data_str.split('\n\n') # Split on all instances of double new lines
    for i, smaller_data in enumerate(data_array):   
        with open(f'new_file_{i}.txt','w') as new_data_file:

我只是使用csv模块,将csv.reader()中的行应对到csv.writer()对象,并csv.writer()保持连续空行的计数。 每次找到多个空白行时,将一个写入对象替换为一个新文件。


isblank = not any(row)


import csv
from pathlib import Path

def gen_outputfiles(outputdir, basefilename):
    """Generate open files ready for CSV writing, in outputdir using basefilename

    Numbers are inserted between the basefilename stem and suffix; e.g.
    foobar.csv becomes foobar001.csv, foobar002.csv, etc.

    outputbase = Path(basefilename)
    outputstem, outputsuffix = outputbase.stem, outpubase.suffix
    counter = 0
    while True:
        counter += 1
        yield outputdir / f'{outputstem}{counter:03d}{outputsuffix}'.open(mode='w', newline='')

def split_csv_on_doubleblanks(inputfilename, basefilename=None, **kwargs):
    """Copy CSV rows from inputfilename to numbered files based on basefilename

    A new numbered target file is created after 2 or more blank rows have been
    read from the input CSV file.

    inputpath = Path(inputfilename)
    outputfiles = gen_outputfiles(inputpath.parent, basefilename or inputpath.name)

    with inputpath.open(newline='') as inputfile:
        reader = csv.reader(inputfile, **kwargs)
        outputfile = next(outputfiles())
        writer = csv.writer(outputfile, **kwargs)
        blanks = 0
            for row in reader:
                isblank = not any(row)
                if not isblank and blank > 1:
                    # skipped more than one blank row before finding a non-blank
                    # row. Open a new output file
                    outputfile = next(outputfile)
                    writer = csv.writer(outputfile, **kwargs)
                blank = blank + 1 if isblank else 0
            if not outputfile.closed:

请注意,我也会复制空白行,因此您的文件最终会有多个空白行。 这可以通过用空白行列表替换blanks计数器来解决,以便在想要重置计数器时写出到编写器对象,并且该列表中只有一个元素。 这样就可以保留单个空白行。


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