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在 Pandas 数据帧上执行复杂搜索的最快方法

[英]Fastest way to perform complex search on pandas dataframe

我试图找出在 Pandas 数据帧上执行搜索和排序的最快方法。 以下是我试图完成的数据帧之前和之后。


flightTo  flightFrom  toNum  fromNum  toCode  fromCode
   ABC       DEF       123     456     8000    8000
   DEF       XYZ       456     893     9999    9999
   AAA       BBB       473     917     5555    5555
   BBB       CCC       917     341     5555    5555


flightTo  flightFrom  toNum  fromNum  toCode  fromCode
   ABC       XYZ       123     893     8000    9999
   AAA       CCC       473     341     5555    5555

在这个例子中,我基本上是想过滤掉存在于最终目的地之间的“航班”。 这应该通过使用某种删除重复项方法来完成,但让我感到困惑的是如何处理所有列。 二分搜索是实现这一目标的最佳方法吗? 提示表示赞赏,努力解决这个问题。



flight1  flight2      1Num    2Num     1Code   2Code
   ABC       DEF       123     456     8000    8000
   XYZ       DEF       893     456     9999    9999


flight1  flight2      1Num    2Num     1Code   2Code
   ABC       XYZ       123     893     8000    9999

这种情况在逻辑上不应该发生。 毕竟你怎么能去 DEF-ABC 和 DEF-XYZ? 你不能,但“端点”仍然是 ABC-XYZ

这是网络问题,所以我们使用networkx ,注意,这里你可以有两个以上的站,这意味着你可以有像NY-DC-WA-NC

import networkx as nx
G=nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df, 'flightTo', 'flightFrom')

# create the nx object from pandas dataframe


# then we get the list of components which as tied to each other , 
# in a net work graph , they are linked 
L=[dict.fromkeys(y,x) for x, y in enumerate(l)]

# then from the above we can create our map dict , 
# since every components connected to each other , 
# then we just need to pick of of them as key , then map with others

d={k: v for d in L for k, v in d.items()}

# create the dict for groupby , since we need _from as first item and _to as last item 
df.groupby(df.flightTo.map(d)).agg(grouppd) # then using agg with dict yield your output 

         flightTo flightFrom  toNum  fromNum  toCode  fromCode
0             ABC        XYZ    123      893    8000      9999
1             AAA        CCC    473      341    5555      5555


  • PIP: pip install networkx
  • 蟒蛇conda install -c anaconda networkx

这是一个 NumPy 解决方案,在与性能相关的情况下可能会很方便:

def remove_middle_dest(df):
    x = df.to_numpy()
    # obtain a flat numpy array from both columns
    b = x[:,0:2].ravel()
    _, ix, inv = np.unique(b, return_index=True, return_inverse=True)
    # Index of duplicate values in b
    ixs_drop = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(b)), ix) 
    # Indices to be used to replace the content in the columns
    replace_at = (inv[:,None] == inv[ixs_drop]).argmax(0) 
    # Col index of where duplicate value is, 0 or 1
    col = (ixs_drop % 2) ^ 1
    # 2d array to index and replace values in the df
    # index to obtain values with which to replace
    keep_cols = np.broadcast_to([3,5],(len(col),2))
    ixs = np.concatenate([col[:,None], keep_cols], 1)
    # translate indices to row indices
    rows_drop, rows_replace = (ixs_drop // 2), (replace_at // 2)
    c = np.empty((len(col), 5), dtype=x.dtype)
    c[:,::2] = x[rows_drop[:,None], ixs]
    c[:,1::2] = x[rows_replace[:,None], [2,4]]
    # update dataframe and drop rows
    df.iloc[rows_replace, 1:] = c
    return df.drop(rows_drop)


    flightTo flightFrom  toNum  fromNum  toCode  fromCode
0      ABC        DEF    123      456    8000      8000
1      DEF        XYZ    456      893    9999      9999
2      AAA        BBB    473      917    5555      5555
3      BBB        CCC    917      341    5555      5555


    flightTo flightFrom  toNum  fromNum  toCode  fromCode
0      ABC        XYZ    123      893    8000      9999
2      AAA        CCC    473      341    5555      5555

这种方法在重复所在的行方面不假设任何特定的顺序,这同样适用于列(以涵盖问题中描述的边缘情况)。 例如,如果我们使用以下数据框:

    flightTo flightFrom  toNum  fromNum  toCode  fromCode
0      ABC        DEF    123      456    8000      8000
1      XYZ        DEF    893      456    9999      9999
2      AAA        BBB    473      917    5555      5555
3      BBB        CCC    917      341    5555      5555


     flightTo flightFrom  toNum  fromNum  toCode  fromCode
0      ABC        XYZ    123      456    8000      9999
2      AAA        CCC    473      341    5555      5555


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