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[英]Using Rscript with an .Rnw file AND commandArgs()

我有一个.Rnw文件,包含R代码块和LaTeX命令。 到目前为止,我一直在Rstudio中开发和测试此代码:单击“编译PDF”以获取一些输出文件和生成的PDF文件。

我现在想使用commandArgs()来为我的.Rnw提供一个参数:一个YAML文件。 此文件包含脚本所需的各种参数。


  • 我的.Rnw脚本是一个管道脚本,旨在尽可能“通用”。

  • 我的.Rnw脚本每次都需要许多参数 - 这些参数将在每个项目之间变化。 为了提供这些参数,我目前(已经)使用YAML配置文件。 这意味着我的.Rnw脚本所做的第一件事是导入YAML文件,然后它开始执行操作。

我的问题是:我可以一起使用“Rscript”,“commandArgs()”和knitr。 我希望我的addind一些commandArgs()到我的.Rnw脚本,我将能够运行所有东西(即在命令行上提供参数以提供YAML文件并编译PDF),如下所示:

Rscript script.Rnw params.yaml

但是,我收到了关于“\\”的错误,我强烈怀疑这与我正在使用.Rnw文件(其中第一件事是LaTeX命令)有关。 然后我看到其他帖子的潜在解决方案,例如:

 Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('script.Rnw')"
 pdflatex script.tex

但是,这也失败了 - 我想这并不奇怪,因为我没有给它配置YAML文件。

我意识到我的设计可能存在缺陷:通过一起使用commandAgrs()和knitr,我使事情变得非常复杂。 我也意识到knitr可能没有真正设计用于为用作管道的脚本制作报告(至少这是我的印象)。 我想要使​​用它的原因是,对于每个项目,可以生成包含所有结果的快速PDF。

我很感激任何建议。 以下是我的代码示例:

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}

colorlinks   = true, %Colours links instead of ugly boxes
urlcolor     = blue, %Colour for external hyperlinks
linkcolor    = blue, %Colour of internal links
citecolor   = blue %Colour of citations
\usepackage[nomarkers, nolists]{endfloat} %Positions figures at the end of the document and add no list of names (requires that chunk have fig.cap option)
\usepackage{soul} % Allows underline lines to be broken (use \ul{} instead of \underline{})

\usepackage{helvet} %Set up Arial as font





\hypersetup{linkcolor=black} % force independent link colours in table of contents

\hypersetup{linkcolor=black} % force independent link colours in list of figures

This report blah blah blah


<<importing-lib, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, cache=TRUE>>=

# Obtain command-line YAML file and set directory #

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
args= commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)

if (length(args) == 0) {
 stop("this script requires a configuration file (.yaml) as input")

 } else if (length(args) > 1) {
  stop("this script requires only one input: a configuration file (.yaml)")


params <-  yaml.load_file(args[1])


if (dir.exists(file.path(params$workdir, "results")) == FALSE) {
  dir.create(file.path(params$workdir, "results","edgeR"), recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(file.path(params$workdir, "results", "gsea", "input_files"), recursive = TRUE)






\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}

colorlinks   = true, %Colours links instead of ugly boxes
urlcolor     = blue, %Colour for external hyperlinks
linkcolor    = blue, %Colour of internal links
citecolor   = blue %Colour of citations
\usepackage[nomarkers, nolists]{endfloat} %Positions figures at the end of the document and add no list of names (requires that chunk have fig.cap option)
\usepackage{soul} % Allows underline lines to be broken (use \ul{} instead of \underline{})

\usepackage{helvet} %Set up Arial as font


\title{\textbf{Test report}}



\hypersetup{linkcolor=black} % force independent link colours in table of contents

\hypersetup{linkcolor=black} % force independent link colours in list of figures

This is the introduction.


This is the results.

<<importing-lib, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE>>=

# Obtain command-line YAML file and set directory #

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
args= commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)

if (length(args) == 0) {
  stop("this script requires a configuration file (.yaml) as input")

  # } else if (length(args) > 1) {
  # stop("this script requires only one input: a configuration file (.yaml)")


params <- yaml.load_file(args[1])

dir <- getwd()

if (dir.exists(file.path(dir, "results")) == FALSE) {
  dir.create(file.path(dir, "results","part1"), recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(file.path(dir, "results", "part2", "input_files"), recursive = TRUE)



This is the end!



Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('script.Rnw')" params.yaml && pdflatex script.tex



\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}

colorlinks   = true, %Colours links instead of ugly boxes
urlcolor     = blue, %Colour for external hyperlinks
linkcolor    = blue, %Colour of internal links
citecolor   = blue %Colour of citations
\usepackage[nomarkers, nolists]{endfloat} %Positions figures at the end of the document and add no list of names (requires that chunk have fig.cap option)
\usepackage{soul} % Allows underline lines to be broken (use \ul{} instead of \underline{})

\usepackage{helvet} %Set up Arial as font


\title{\textbf{Test report}}



\hypersetup{linkcolor=black} % force independent link colours in table of contents

\hypersetup{linkcolor=black} % force independent link colours in list of figures

This is the introduction.


This is the results.

<<first-chunk, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE>>=



This is the end!



#!/usr/bin/env Rscript


args= commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)

if (length(args) == 0) {
  stop("this script requires a configuration file (.yaml) as input")

  # } else if (length(args) > 1) {
  # stop("this script requires only one input: a configuration file (.yaml)")


params <- yaml.load_file(args[1])

dir <- getwd()

if (dir.exists(file.path(dir, "results")) == FALSE) {
  dir.create(file.path(dir, "results","edgeR"), recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(file.path(dir, "results", "gsea", "input_files"), recursive = TRUE)



Rscript launch.R params.yaml

方法之间的一个区别是:方法1生成更多文件(* tex,* toc,* out,* log,* aux),大概是因为它在技术上是2个命令。 方法2仅生成.tex和.pdf文件。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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