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[英]Assign a subset of rows in a dataframe with a value (in one column) based on information in another dataframe

我有两个数据框:包含所有数据的“数据”,包含相同列的“ peak_data”,对行的选择很少。

我创建了一个列,该列显示“ peak_data”中相邻行之间的“ time_difference”。

我想用一个数字标记“数据”中的行(在“周期”列中),该数字在到达下一个“峰值”时会发生变化(该值由“列”中“数据”数据框中的二进制文件标识)该时间间隔内peak_data中的“ time_difference”小于2。


       time  pressure_1  pressure_2  ...   accel_z  peak  cycle
0  0.000000    0.245956    0.048084  ...  0.155026     0    NaN
1  0.002000    0.245957    0.047805  ...  0.073971     0    NaN
2  0.002333    0.245984    0.047586  ... -0.056461     0    NaN
3  0.002667    0.246048    0.047464  ...  0.013302     0    NaN
4  0.003000    0.246161    0.047462  ...  0.047970     0    NaN

“ peak_data”数据帧的一个小示例:

       time  pressure_1  pressure_2  ...   accel_z  peak  time_difference
269   1.314    0.134094    0.036958  ... -0.160587   1.0              NaN
555   2.754    0.091645    0.032614  ... -0.514713   1.0            1.440
811   4.064    0.096233    0.049880  ... -0.433658   1.0            1.310
1057  5.300    0.094882    0.032966  ... -0.867374   1.0            1.236
1304  6.522    0.107792    0.040102  ... -0.503299   1.0            1.222

我想看到的是确定了第一个峰之后的行(在此之前,我不想标记数据)。 对于下一个间隔,我希望将其标记为“ 2”,然后标记为“ 3”,等等。

       time    pressure_1  pressure_2  ...   accel_z  peak  cycle
265  1.294000    0.141472    0.033975  ... -0.027896     0    NaN
266  1.299000    0.140781    0.034691  ... -0.110416     0    NaN
267  1.304000    0.139336    0.035434  ... -0.103580     0    NaN
268  1.309000    0.137103    0.036195  ...  0.159482     0    NaN
269  1.314000    0.134094    0.036958  ... -0.160587     1    1
270  1.322000    0.130359    0.037705  ... -0.489627     0    1
271  1.329000    0.125974    0.038417  ... -0.832096     0    1
272  1.332000    0.121045    0.039078  ... -0.639713     0    1
273  1.334000    0.115730    0.039676  ... -0.565494     0    1
274  1.339000    0.110218    0.040197  ... -0.475040     0    1


data['cycle'] = np.nan

cycle_num = 1

for index, row in peak_data.iterrows():        
    if peak_data.loc[index,'time_difference'] == np.nan:
    elif peak_data.loc[index,'time_difference'] < 2:
        start = peak_data.loc[index,'index'] 
        end = peak_data.loc[index,'index']
        data.loc[start : end,'cycle'] = cycle_num
        cycle_num += 1


这是我应该解决问题的方式,还是有更好的方法? 任何指针将不胜感激!

它看起来像的整数索引标签peak_data数据帧正好对应于目标行的索引标签data 如果对于您的完整数据集总是如此,那么应该可以这样做:

# Initialize column of all nan
data['cycle'] = np.nan

# Get index labels for short (< 2 s) and
# long (>= 2 s) peaks
short_peaks = peak_data[peak_data['time_difference'] < 2].index
long_peaks = peak_data[peak_data['time_difference'] >= 2].index

# Label short-peak rows with 1, long with -1
data.loc[short_peaks, 'peak'] = 1
data.loc[long_peaks, 'peak'] = -1

data['cycle'] = data['peak'].cumsum()

# Hack: build a flag column that labels ALL rows
# belonging to a short peak with 1, and ALL rows
# belonging to a short peak with -1
data['flag'] = data['peak'].ffill()

# Finally, overwrite the "cycle" value with -1 for all rows
# belonging to a long peak, then replace -1 with nan
data.loc[data['flag'] == -1, 'cycle'] = data['flag'].replace(-1, np.nan)

# Drop the flag column
data = data.drop(columns='flag')


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