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将数据从 Spark Structured Streaming 加载到 ArrayList

[英]Loading data from Spark Structured Streaming into ArrayList

我需要将数据从 Kafka 发送到 Kinesis Firehose。 我正在使用 Spark Structured Streaming 处理 Kafka 数据。 我不确定如何将流式查询的数据集处理为ArrayList变量 - 例如, recordList - 例如 100 条记录(可以是任何其他值),然后调用 Firehose API 的putRecordBatch(recordList)将记录放入 Firehose。

我认为您想根据您的 Spark 版本查看Foreach 和 ForeachBatch ForeachBatch 出现在 V2.4.0 中,foreach 可用 < V2.4.0。 如果 Kinesis Firehouse 没有可用的流式接收器实现,那么您应该自己实现ForeachWriter Databricks 有一些使用 foreach 创建自定义编写器的很好的例子

我从未使用过 Kinesis,但这里有一个示例,说明您的自定义接收器可能是什么样子。

case class MyConfigInfo(info1: String, info2: String)

class  KinesisSink(configInfo: MyConfigInfo) extends ForeachWriter[(String, String)] {
  val kinesisProducer = _

  def open(partitionId: Long,version: Long): Boolean = {
    kinesisProducer = //set up the kinesis producer using MyConfigInfo

  def process(value: (String, String)): Unit = {
    //ask kinesisProducer to send data

  def close(errorOrNull: Throwable): Unit = {
    //close the kinesis producer

如果您使用的是 AWS kinesisfirehose API,您可能会执行以下操作

case class MyConfigInfo(info1: String, info2: String)

class  KinesisSink(configInfo: MyConfigInfo) extends ForeachWriter[(String, String)] {
  val firehoseClient = _
  val req = putRecordBatchRequest = new PutRecordBatchRequest()
  val records = 0
  val recordLimit = //maybe you need to set this? 

  def open(partitionId: Long,version: Long): Boolean = {
    firehoseClient = //set up the firehose client using MyConfigInfo

  def process(value: (String, String)): Unit = {
    //ask fireHose client to send data or batch the request
    val record: Record = //create Record out of value
    records = records + 1
    if(records >= recordLimit) {
      records = 0

  def close(errorOrNull: Throwable): Unit = {
    //close the firehose client
    //or instead you could put the batch request to the firehose client here but i'm not sure if that's good practice


val writer = new KinesisSink(configuration)
val query =
    .trigger(ProcessingTime("25 seconds"))


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