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如果用户当前的时区时间与“开放时间”(ES6)一致,则显示 div

[英]show div if users current time with timezone aligns with 'open hours' (ES6)

if (typeof(hoursoperation) != 'undefined' && hoursoperation != null)


以上在我的 Fetch API 技术中; 我首先确保存在“ office_hours ”; 确实如此:上面的console.log打印以下数据:

closing_time: "1600"
day: "7"
starting_time: "0800"
__proto__: Object
closing_time: "1600"
day: "1"
starting_time: "0600"
__proto__: Object
closing_time: "1600"
day: "2"
starting_time: "0600"
__proto__: Object
3: {day: "3", starting_time: "0600", closing_time: "1600"}
4: {day: "4", starting_time: "0600", closing_time: "1600"}
5: {day: "5", starting_time: "0600", closing_time: "1600"}
6: {day: "6", starting_time: "0700", closing_time: "1700"}
length: 7
__proto__: Array(0)

我怎样才能获得本地时间的用户; 然后通过上面的迭代进行比较?

我知道使用 jQuery 是多么容易; 但我一直坚持接近这个是香草 ES6 javaScript 代码。

这是我如何能够使用 jQuery 到达那里:(但仍在寻找 ES6 方法)

            var today, starttime, endtime;

            var optiondata = JSON.parse(data);

            var officehours = optiondata.acf.office_hours;

            today = new Date();

            var starthour = parseInt(parseInt(officehours[today.getDay()].starting_time)/100);
            var startmin = starthour*100 - parseInt(officehours[today.getDay()].starting_time);

            var endhour = parseInt(parseInt(officehours[today.getDay()].closing_time)/100);
            var endmin = endhour*100 - parseInt(officehours[today.getDay()].closing_time);

            starttime = new Date(today.getFullYear(),today.getMonth(),today.getDate(),starthour,startmin,0,0);

            endtime = new Date(today.getFullYear(),today.getMonth(),today.getDate(),endhour,endmin,0,0);

            // calculate offset for timezones (PST or PDT) to ensure that AlgaeCal is actually open (using Vancouver, B.C.)

            var tzurl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/timezone/json?location=49.246670,-123.094729&timestamp=" + parseInt(today.getTime()/1000) + "&key=XXXXX";

                url: tzurl,
                dataType: "text",

                    var timezonedata = JSON.parse(tzdata);

                    // subtract offsets to get GMT of start and end times of office hours and convert to milliseconds:
                    var chkstarttime = starttime.getTime() - timezonedata.dstOffset*1000 - timezonedata.rawOffset*1000;
                    var chkendtime = endtime.getTime() - timezonedata.dstOffset*1000 - timezonedata.rawOffset*1000;

                    // get offset for current local time and convert to milliseconds
                    var tz = today.toString().split("GMT")[1].split(" (")[0];
                    var chktoday = today.getTime() - parseInt(tz)/100*60*60*1000;

                    // check if current time is truly during open office hours:
                    if(chktoday >= chkstarttime && chktoday <= chkendtime){
                        // show "speak to our bone health specialists message"


首先,获取与办公时间相关的时区的当前时间。 由于您的源数据使用HHMM格式,因此也以该格式获取时间:

// This gives the current local time in Vancouver, in HHMM format, such as 1703 or 0945
const now = new Date().toLocaleTimeString('en-CA', {
    timeZone: 'America/Vancouver', hour12: false, timeStyle: 'short'

现在您可以简单地将值与源数据进行比较。 这是有效的,因为HHMM格式的时间字符串是按字典顺序排序的。

const isActive = starting_time <= closing_time   // test the shift type (normal or inverted)
    ? (starting_time <= now && closing_time > now)   // normal comparison
    : (starting_time <= now || closing_time > now);  // inverted comparison

在上面的评论中,“正常”班次类型是班次在同一天开始和停止的班次,例如09001700 “倒转”班次类型是跨越午夜的班次类型,例如18000200

请注意,这只适用于 ECMAScript 国际化 API 完全实现的环境,包括时区支持。

另请注意,它不考虑在夏令时回退过渡的模糊小时内开始或结束的班次。 (完全围绕 DST 过渡的转变应该没问题。)


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