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多个 Python 脚本与不同的输入同时运行

[英]Multiple Python scripts running concurrently with different inputs

所以我有这个 python 脚本,它从用户构建的特定 craigslist URL 中删除列表(位置、最高价格、项目类型等)。 然后它转到 URL,抓取列表信息(价格、发布日期等)并返回三个输出。 一个是平均价格附近的“x”个项目(用户确定项目的数量和价格范围,例如平均价格低 100 美元)。 接下来,是基于用户在乞讨中提供的 zip 代码的“x”壁橱列表(用户还根据与 zip 代码的接近程度来确定显示的项目数)。 最后,craigslist url 链接被输出给用户,这样他们就可以访问该页面并查看之前显示给他们的项目。 抓取的数据存储在 data.json 文件和 data.csv 文件中。内容相同,只是格式不同,我想在每次抓取完成时将这些数据卸载到数据库中。 Cloud Firestore 或 AWS DynamoDB,因为我想在未来托管这个 web 应用程序

我想要做的是允许用户拥有相同脚本的多个实例,所有这些实例都具有同时运行的唯一 craigslist url。 所有代码都是相同的,唯一的区别是脚本抓取的 craigslist url。

我创建了一个方法,通过创建属性(位置、最大价格等)进行迭代并返回丢失的 url,但在我的主要部分中,我调用了构造函数,它需要所有这些属性,所以我必须从中钓鱼网址,这似乎在顶部。

然后我试图在我的主循环中使用循环。 用户确定他们想要创建多少个 url 链接和 append 完成的链接到列表。 再次遇到同样的问题。

class CraigslistScraper(object):

# Contructor of the URL that is being scraped
def __init__(self, location, postal_code, max_price, query, radius):
    self.location = location  # Location(i.e. City) being searched
    self.postal_code = postal_code  # Postal code of location being searched
    self.max_price = max_price  # Max price of the items that will be searched
    self.query = query  # Search for the type of items that will be searched
    self.radius = radius  # Radius of the area searched derived from the postal code given previously

    self.url = f"https://{location}.craigslist.org/search/sss?&max_price={max_price}&postal={postal_code}&query={query}&20card&search_distance={radius}"
    self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(r"C:\Program Files\chromedriver")  # Path of Firefox web driver
    self.delay = 7  # The delay the driver gives when loading the web page

# Load up the web page
# Gets all relevant data on the page
# Goes to next page until we are at the last page
def load_craigslist_url(self):

    data = []
    # url_list = []
    while True:
            wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, self.delay)
            wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "searchform")))
            # url_list.append(self.extract_post_urls())
            WebDriverWait(self.driver, 2).until(
                EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, '//*[@id="searchform"]/div[3]/div[3]/span[2]/a[3]'))).click()
    return data

# Extracts all relevant information from the web-page and returns them as individual lists
def extract_post_titles(self):

    all_posts = self.driver.find_elements_by_class_name("result-row")

    dates_list = []
    titles_list = []
    prices_list = []
    distance_list = []

    for post in all_posts:

        title = post.text.split("$")

        if title[0] == '':
            title = title[1]
            title = title[0]

        title = title.split("\n")
        price = title[0]
        title = title[-1]
        title = title.split(" ")
        month = title[0]
        day = title[1]
        title = ' '.join(title[2:])
        date = month + " " + day

        if not price[:1].isdigit():
            price = "0"

        raw_distance = post.find_element_by_class_name(
        distance = raw_distance[:-2]


    return titles_list, prices_list, dates_list, distance_list

# Gets all of the url links of each listing on the page
# def extract_post_urls(self):
#     soup_list = []
#     html_page = urllib.request.urlopen(self.driver.current_url)
#     soup = BeautifulSoup(html_page, "html.parser")
#     for link in soup.findAll("a", {"class": "result-title hdrlnk"}):
#         soup_list.append(link["href"])
#     return soup_list

# Kills browser
def kill(self):

# Gets price value from dictionary and computes average
def get_average(sample_dict):

    price = list(map(lambda x: x['Price'], sample_dict))
    sum_of_prices = sum(price)
    length_of_list = len(price)
    average = round(sum_of_prices / length_of_list)

    return average

# Displays items around the average price of all the items in prices_list
def get_items_around_average(avg, sample_dict, counter, give):
    print("Items around average price: ")
    raw_list = []
    for z in range(len(sample_dict)):
        current_price = sample_dict[z].get('Price')
        if abs(current_price - avg) <= give:
    final_list = raw_list[:counter]
    for index in range(len(final_list)):
        for key in final_list[index]:
            print(key, ':', final_list[index][key])

# Displays nearest items to the zip provided
def get_items_around_zip(sample_dict, counter):
    final_list = []
    print("Closest listings: ")
    x = 0
    while x < counter:
        x += 1
    for index in range(len(final_list)):
        for key in final_list[index]:
            print(key, ':', final_list[index][key])

# Converts all_of_the_data list of dictionaries to json file
def convert_to_json(sample_list):
    with open(r"C:\Users\diego\development\WebScraper\data.json", 'w') as file_out:
        file_out.write(json.dumps(sample_list, indent=4))

def convert_to_csv(sample_list):
    df = pd.DataFrame(sample_list)
    df.to_csv("data.csv", index=False, header=True)

# Main where the big list data is broken down to its individual parts to be converted to a .csv file


如果名称== “主要”:

location = input("Enter the location you would like to search: ")  # Location Craigslist searches
zip_code = input(
    "Enter the zip code you would like to base radius off of: ")  # Postal code Craigslist uses as a base for 'MILES FROM ZIP'
type_of_item = input(
    "Enter the item you would like to search (ex. furniture, bicycles, cars, etc.): ")  # Type of item you are looking for
max_price = input(
    "Enter the max price you would like the search to use: ")  # Max price Craigslist limits the items too
radius = input(
    "Enter the radius you would like the search to use (based off of zip code provided earlier): ")  # Radius from postal code Craigslist limits the search to

scraper = CraigslistScraper(location, zip_code, max_price, type_of_item,
                            radius)  # Constructs the URL with the given parameters

results = scraper.load_craigslist_url()  # Inserts the result of the scrapping into a large multidimensional list

titles_list = results[0][0]
prices_list = list(map(int, results[0][1]))
dates_list = results[0][2]
distance_list = list(map(float, results[0][3]))


# Merge all of the lists into a dictionary
# Dictionary is then sorted by distance from smallest -> largest
list_of_attributes = []

for i in range(len(titles_list)):
    content = {'Listing': titles_list[i], 'Price': prices_list[i], 'Date posted': dates_list[i],
               'Distance from zip': distance_list[i]}

list_of_attributes.sort(key=lambda x: x['Distance from zip'])

# scraper.export_to_mongodb()

# Below function calls:
# Get average price and prints it
# Gets/prints listings around said average price
# Gets/prints nearest listings

average = scraper.get_average(list_of_attributes)
print(f'Average price of items searched: ${average}')
num_items_around_average = int(input("How many listings around the average price would you like to see?: "))
avg_range = int(input("Range of listings around the average price: "))
scraper.get_items_around_average(average, list_of_attributes, num_items_around_average, avg_range)
num_items = int(input("How many items would you like to display based off of proximity to zip code?: "))
print(f"Items around you: ")
scraper.get_items_around_zip(list_of_attributes, num_items)
print(f"Link of listings : {scraper.url}")

我想要的是获取用户想要抓取的 URL 数量的程序。 该输入将确定需要运行的该脚本的实例数。

然后用户将运行每个刮刀的提示,例如制作url(“您要搜索什么位置?:”)。 在他们完成创建 url 之后,每个爬虫将使用其特定的 url 运行,并显示回上面描述的三个 output 特定于 url 指定的爬虫。

将来我想添加一个时间 function 并且用户确定他们希望脚本运行的频率(每小时、每天、每隔一天等)。 连接到数据库,而只是从数据库中查询平均价格范围内的“x”个列表,以及基于特定 url 结果的接近度的“x”个最接近的列表。

如果您希望在 main 循环运行时并行运行多个刮板实例,则需要使用子进程。



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