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正则表达式到 append 某些字符 position

[英]Regex to append some characters in a certain position

我有一个 txt 文件,如下所示:

abandon(icl>leave>do,agt>person,obj>person);CAT(CATV),AUX(AVOIR),VAL1(GN) ; 

我想使用正则表达式对其进行修改,因为它是一个非常长的 txt。 我想在每个 CAT(...) 之前和第一个“;”之后到 append 每行的第一个字。 应该还有第二个“;” 在附加的单词之后和 CAT 之前。 我该怎么做?

所以我的 output 将是:

abandon(icl>leave>do,agt>person,obj>person);abandon;CAT(CATV),AUX(AVOIR),VAL1(GN) ;


Find:    ^([^(]+)(.*?;)(CAT.*)$
Replace: $1$2$1;$3

这里的想法是将每一行细分为我们需要将替换连接在一起的部分。 在这种情况下,第一个捕获组是我们计划在第一个分号之后、 CAT之前插入的单词。


刚刚注意到您正在使用 Python。 我们能试试:

inp = """aarhus(iof>city>thing,equ>arhus);CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
abadan(iof>city>thing);CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
abandon(icl>leave>do,agt>person,obj>person);CAT(CATV),AUX(AVOIR),VAL1(GN) ;"""
output = re.sub(r'([^(]+)(.*?;)(CAT.*?;)\s*', '\\1\\2\\1;\\3\n', inp)


aarhus(iof>city>thing,equ>arhus);aarhus;CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
abadan(iof>city>thing);abadan;CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
abandon(icl>leave>do,agt>person,obj>person);abandon;CAT(CATV),AUX(AVOIR),VAL1(GN) ;

在 Python 中,您可以执行以下操作:

import re

test_strings = [
    'aarhus(iof>city>thing,equ>arhus);CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;',
    'abadan(iof>city>thing);CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;',
    'abandon(icl>leave>do,agt>person,obj>person);CAT(CATV),AUX(AVOIR),VAL1(GN) ;' 
# first group matches the wordthat you want to repeat, then you capture the rest
# until the ;CAT which you capture separately
regex = r'(\w+)(.*)(;CAT.*)'

new_strings = []
for test_string in test_strings:
    match = re.match(regex, test_string)
    new_string = match.group(1) + match.group(2) + ";" + match.group(1) + match.group(3)


aarhus(iof>city>thing,equ>arhus);aarhus;CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
abadan(iof>city>thing);abadan;CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
abandon(icl>leave>do,agt>person,obj>person);abandon;CAT(CATV),AUX(AVOIR),VAL1(GN) ;


编辑:要将文件读取为准备修改的字符串列表,只需使用with open语句并执行readlines()

my_file = 'my_text_file.txt'

with open(my_file, 'r') as f:
    my_file_as_list = f.readlines()

匹配不同的组和编织可能比正则表达式替换更快。 将不得不测试

import re

#=== DESIRED ===================================================================
# aarhus(iof>city>thing,equ>arhus);aarhus;CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
# abadan(iof>city>thing);abadan;CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
# abandon(icl>leave>do,agt>person,obj>person);abandon;CAT(CATV),AUX(AVOIR),VAL1(GN) ;```

data = ["abadan(iof>city>thing);CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;", 
"abandon(icl>leave>do,agt>person,obj>person);CAT(CATV),AUX(AVOIR),VAL1(GN) ;"]

# Matching different groups, and then stiching together may be faster tna a regex replace. 
# Basedon https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3850074/regex-until-but-not-including
# (?:(?!CAT).)* - match anything until the start of the word CAT.
# I.e.
# (?:        # Match the following but do not capture it:
# (?!CAT)  # (first assert that it's not possible to match "CAT" here
#  .         # then match any character
# )*         # end of group, zero or more repetitions.
p = ''.join(["^", # Match start of string
             "(.*?(?:(?!\().)*)", # Match group one, anything up to first open paren, which will be the first word (I.e. abadan or abandon
             "(.*?(?:(?!CAT).)*)", # Group 2, match everything after group one, up to "CAT" but not including CAT
             "(.*$)" # Match the rest

for line in data:
    m = re.match(p, line)    
    newline  = m.group(1) # First word
    newline += m.group(2) # Group two
    newline += m.group(1) + ";" # First word again with semi-colon
    newline += m.group(3) # Group three



abadan(iof>city>thing);abadan;CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
abandon(icl>leave>do,agt>person,obj>person);abandon;CAT(CATV),AUX(AVOIR),VAL1(GN) ;

此脚本读取输入文件,进行替换并写入 output 文件:

import re

infile = 'input.txt'
outfile = 'outfile.txt'
f = open(infile, 'r')
o = open(outfile, 'w')
for line in f:
    o.write(re.sub(r'((\w+).+?)(?=;CAT)', r'\1;\2', line))

cat outfile.txt 
aarhus(iof>city>thing,equ>arhus);aarhus;CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
abadan(iof>city>thing);abadan;CAT(CATN),N(NP) ;
abandon(icl>leave>do,agt>person,obj>person);abandon;CAT(CATV),AUX(AVOIR),VAL1(GN) ; 


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