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[英]How to store the following structure in a relational database?


Phase {
  product: Product;
  name: string;
  phases: Phase[]; - I want this to be as subset of phases from the **product.phases**

Product {
  name: string;
  phases: Phase[];


澄清这个问题:我有一个产品清单。 每个产品都有一个阶段列表。 列表中的每个阶段也有一个阶段列表。 我想限制product->phases->phases phases 只包含product->phases


Phases - [{ 
  name: 'phase1', 
  product: 'product1' phases: 'I want this to be a subset of ['phase1', 'phase2', 'phase3'] (the phases the 'product1' has)' }]

Products - [{ 
  name: 'product1', 
  phases: ['phase1', 'phase2', 'phase3'] 



 - id (PK)
 - name

 - id (PK)
 - name

 - phaseId (FK)
 - productId (FK)

如果您的代码是在 C# 中:

Phase {
  id: int;
  name: string;
  productsPhases: ProductPhase[];

Product {
  id: int;
  name: string;
  productsPhases: ProductPhase[];

ProductPhase {
  PhaseId: int;
  Phase: Phase;
  ProductId: int;
  Product: Product


create table phase(
  phase_id int primary key,
  phase_name varchar(20)

create table product(
  product_id int primary key,
  product_name varchar(20)

create table product_phases(
  phase_id int,
  product_id int,
  primary key (phase_id,product_id),
  foreign key (phase_id) references phase(phase_id),
  foreign key (product_id) references product(product_id) 

因为,您希望 phase 引用自身以及其他表,所以您需要有一个引用自身的表和一个引用其他表的表。 因此,您的表格设计将是这样的:

Table Product:
Id        --Primary key for this table.
Name      -- Name of the Product.

Table Phase:
Id        --Primary key for this table.
Name      -- Phase Name
ProductId -- Foreign Key Reference To Product Table.
ParentId  -- Self reference to this Phase Table.
    create table phase(
      id number pk,
      name varchar(100),
      parent_product_id number,

    create table product(
      id number pk,
      name varchar(100)

    create table product_phases(
      product_id number,  
      phase_id number,

      fk (phase_id) references phase(id),
      fk (product_id) references product(id) 

    To get all phases of a product -
    select * from product_phases pp
    where pp.product_id=? and pp.phase_id in (select id from phase where id =? or parent_id=?)


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