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提取字符串中文件扩展名 (.ps1) 之前的数字

[英]Extract the number before a file extension (.ps1) in a string

创建文件的 cmdlet 返回一个文本块,其中是文件的名称。 该文件的格式为 string[number].ps1,但数字是随机的,因此我想提取该数字并将其存储在变量中。


  +         ~~~~~\nA 'using' statement must appear before any other statements in\
    \ a script.\nAt C:\\Packages\\Plugins\\Microsoft.CPlat.Core.RunCommandWindows\\\
    1.1.3\\Downloads\\script35.ps1:20 char:8\n+         using Microsoft.Build.Framework;\n\
    +              ~\nMissing using directive\nAt C:\\Packages\\Plugins\\Microsoft.CPlat.Core.RunCommandWindows\\\
    1.1.3\\Downloads\\script35.ps1:20 char:3\n+         using Microsoft.Build.Framework;\n\
    +         ~~~~~\nA 'using' statement must appear before any other statements in\
    \ a script.\nAt C:\\Packages\\Plugins\\Microsoft.CPlat.Core.RunCommandWindows\\\
    1.1.3\\Downloads\\script35.ps1:21 char:8\n+         using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;\n\
    +              ~\nMissing using directive\nAt C:\\Packages\\Plugins\\Microsoft.CPlat.Core.RunCommandWindows\\\
    1.1.3\\Downloads\\script35.ps1:21 char:3\n+         using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;\n\
    +         ~~~~~\nA 'using' statement must appear before any other statements in\

我认为$result -match '\\d\\d+(?=\\.\\w+)'会起作用,但它只返回找到数字的行,而不仅仅是数字。

使用集合(而不是单个值)作为 LHS, -match运算符

  • 充当过滤器- 即返回匹配元素的子数组而不是布尔值

  • 填充自动$Matches变量与匹配运营商的结果。


只返回匹配的部分,你可以使用一个switch语句-Regex选项循环在你的线阵列,在这种情况下, $Matches填充每个输入线:

# Array of sample lines.
# For illustrative purposes I've tweaked the `script<number>.ps1`
# tokens to have successive numbers.
$lines = @'
 +         ~~~~~\nA 'using' statement must appear before any other statements in\
    \ a script.\nAt C:\\Packages\\Plugins\\Microsoft.CPlat.Core.RunCommandWindows\\\
    1.1.3\\Downloads\\script35.ps1:20 char:8\n+         using Microsoft.Build.Framework;\n\
    +              ~\nMissing using directive\nAt C:\\Packages\\Plugins\\Microsoft.CPlat.Core.RunCommandWindows\\\
    1.1.3\\Downloads\\script36.ps1:20 char:3\n+         using Microsoft.Build.Framework;\n\
    +         ~~~~~\nA 'using' statement must appear before any other statements in\
    \ a script.\nAt C:\\Packages\\Plugins\\Microsoft.CPlat.Core.RunCommandWindows\\\
    1.1.3\\Downloads\\script37.ps1:21 char:8\n+         using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;\n\
    +              ~\nMissing using directive\nAt C:\\Packages\\Plugins\\Microsoft.CPlat.Core.RunCommandWindows\\\
    1.1.3\\Downloads\\script38.ps1:21 char:3\n+         using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;\n\
    +         ~~~~~\nA 'using' statement must appear before any other statements in\
'@ -split '\r?\n'

# Perform the matching, line by line,
# and output each line's matching part,
# resulting in an array of strings.
# Prepend 
#     $result = 
# to store the array in a variable.
switch -Regex ($lines) {
  '\d+(?=\.\w+)' { $Matches[0] } # to extract only the *1st* match,
                                   # append `; break` inside the { ... }



请注意, switch还支持使用-File选项直接从文件中读取行
switch -Regex -File $filePath { ... } )。


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