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关于 Python 空列表的错误。 未绑定本地错误

[英]Error regarding Python empty list. UnboundLocalError


File "C:/Users/PC/PycharmProjects/untitled/test2.py", line 36, in clustering
min_num = y.index(min(y))
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'y' referenced before assignment

该错误也出现在空列表 'list = []' 中。 以下是我的代码。

 def clustering(self, parsedData=np.genfromtxt("0.txt"), iterCount=0, k=0, centroids=None):
    if centroids is None:  # when no centroids are passed in, randomize the centroids
        centroids = []
        for i in range(k):
            centroids.append(np.random.randint(0, len(parsedData[0])))  # adding centroid numbers from dataset
            new1 = [[] for x in range(len(centroids))]
            y = []
            lis = []
        for i in parsedData[0]:
            for j in centroids:
                x = []
                if i == j:
                    for k in (parsedData.ix[i][2:4]):  # calculating and adding the actual centroids to a list
        centroids = lis

        iterCount += 1
        for a in range(iterCount):
            if a == 0:
                for i in (parsedData[0]):
                    for j in range(len(centroids)):
                        dist = 0
                        dist += distance(parsedData.ix[i, 2:4],
                                         centroids[j])  # same process except, centroids are not random
                    min_num = y.index(min(y))
                    y = []

k0 (默认值)时,您的第一个循环(可以初始化y )永远不会运行。 因此,根据centroids的值,您将尝试调用y.append (访问从未分配过的y )或y.index(min(y)) (同样的问题)。


lis也会出现同样的问题,因为k0也无法分配给lis ,从而使分配centroids = lis从未绑定的lis名称中读取。

这 3 行没有正确缩进:

            new1 = [[] for x in range(len(centroids))]
            y = []
            lis = []

它们在for i in range(k):循环中,但它们不应该存在,因为它们不依赖于i k == 0 ,这些赋值都不会完成,所以后面尝试使用这些变量的代码会出错。

将它们缩进 1 级。

 def clustering(self, parsedData=np.genfromtxt("0.txt"), iterCount=0, k=0, centroids=None):
    if centroids is None:  # when no centroids are passed in, randomize the centroids
        centroids = []
        for i in range(k):
            centroids.append(np.random.randint(0, len(parsedData[0])))  # adding centroid numbers from dataset
        new1 = [[] for x in range(len(centroids))]
        y = []
        lis = []

我不确定,但我认为该函数的所有其余部分也缩进错误。 if centroids is None:if centroids is None:只有随机填充centroids的代码应该在if centroids is None:


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