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[英]download from path 'file' save to 'other directory' python script issue


获取文件所在位置的输入并告诉新目录将下载的 URL 保存到 filepath 变量假定带有链接的文本文档位于 python 脚本的位置 - 虽然这有效,但我也希望将其更改为直接。

    import os.path
    import urllib.request

    # Get one line of text (e.g. C:\user\user\path\directory)

    filepath = input('please input the url file path: ')
    links = open('links.txt', 'r')
    newpath = input('Where would you like to store the file? ')
    for link in links:`
        # then get the filename from the end of the URL
        link = link.strip()
        filename = link.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]

    # Does this file exist in this folder? If not, download it
    if not (os.path.isfile(filename)):
        print ('Downloading: ' + filename + " to " + newpath)
            urllib.request.urlretrieve(link, newpath + filename)
            print ("File size was", os.path.getsize(filename))
        except Exception as inst:
            print (inst)
            print ('  Encountered unknown error. Continuing.')

    # File exists; don't download
        print("This file exists already.")

# End of program
print("Finished downloading."

如果您的错误是关于为什么newpath似乎没有连接到它。 这是因为我相信,在这行代码urllib.request.urlretrieve(link, newpath + filename)link参数不代表任何东西。 您可以尝试打印该值并查看它打印的内容。

请注意,for 循环中的link是一个局部变量,保存在那里的任何内容都无法在代码的其他任何地方访问。

for link in links:`
   # then get the filename from the end of the URL
   link = link.strip()
   filename = link.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]

尝试在循环外定义一个名为link的全局变量,这样循环中保存的值就可以保留下来,以便在代码中的任何地方使用。 像这样,

filepath = input('please input the url file path: ')
links = open('links.txt', 'r')
newpath = input('Where would you like to store the file? ')
link = ""


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