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如何在 Python 中使用字符串输入作为变量调用?

[英]How to use a String Input as a Variable Call In Python?

item =["Item_name","Price"]
stop = input("Enter your message: ")
if stop[:3] == "add":
  item2 = stop[4:]

我有一个类似这样的代码,我想根据用户输入获取变量项。 例如,用户输入“添加项目”,应该是 output item[0]item[1] ,但我不知道该怎么做。

当您需要添加更多命令时,将其分解为小块是防止其失控的最简单方法 - 尝试使用切片解析命令字符串会很快变得复杂,相反,尝试将命令拆分为单词. 然后将每个单词与你想用它做的事情联系起来。

from enum import Enum
from typing import Callable, Dict

class Command(Enum):
   """All the commands the user might input."""
   ADD = "add"
   # other commands go here

class Parameter(Enum):
   """All the parameters to those commands."""
   ITEM = "item"
   # other parameters go here

item = ["Item_name","Price"]

def add_func(param: Parameter) -> None:
    """Add a thing."""
    if param == Parameter.ITEM:

COMMAND_FUNCS: Dict[Command, Callable[[Parameter], None]] = {
    """The functions that implement each command."""
    Command.ADD: add_func,

# Get the command and parameter from the user,
# and then run that function with that parameter!
[cmd, param] = input("Enter your message: ").split()


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