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[英]How to match indexes from one list to another list and store values?



prod = [0, 5, 5]
dur = [5, 5, 3]
activity = [2, 3, 4]
max_r = 6

现在,我要做的是 select 遵循以下条件的活动:

max_prod = max(prod)

if max_prod <= max_r:

   # if yes and appears more than once, check dur, the activity with the highest duration will be put to select_act

   if prod.count(max_prod) > 1:

      # know the indexes of the values that appears more than once in prod
      idx = list_duplicates_of(prod, max_prod)

      # then get duration of these values
      dur_same = [d for a, d in zip(prod, dur) if a == max_prod]

      #select the activity that has the highest duration
      #get dur of that selected activity

# if yes and appears only once, get activity and put in select_act
    select_act = [activity[prod.index(max_prod)]]
    dur_select_act = [dur[prod.index(max_prod)]]

问题是: prod3索引。 如果我要执行上面的代码, max_prodindexes 1 and 2 ,而当我尝试打印它的dur_same时,我得到的[5, 3]与它在 prod 中的假定索引不匹配。 我如何确保/匹配dur_same的索引与其在prod中的索引,并为其他索引/es 设置0

我在该部分的预期 output 应该是:

prod = [0, 5, 5]
dur_same = [0, 5, 3] #instead  of just [5, 3] from the code above

这样,更容易调用其对应的活动。 因为我所要做的就是将dur_same中的最高持续时间与dur匹配,并在dur中获取匹配的索引。 然后,使用此索引获取活动。

编辑:如果对于 dur 具有相同最大值的实例,假设dur_same = [0, 5, 5] 我怎么能在两个5s之间随机选择,然后select对应的活动呢?

任何帮助,将不胜感激! 谢谢!



In [1]: [d for a, d in zip(prod, dur) if a == max_prod]                                                                
Out[1]: [5, 3]

您将其更改为单行 if-else。 如果 a == max_prod,它会将 d 添加到列表中,否则它将添加 0。

In [2]: [d if a == max_prod else 0 for a, d in zip(prod, dur)]                                                         
Out[2]: [0, 5, 3]


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