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将非静态成员 function 传递给另一个 class 的成员 function

[英]Pass non-static member function to member function of another class

I have two classes A and B. And I want to call the member function of class B from class A while passing a member function of A to said function of B. The setting:

class B {
        int dopristep(std::function<int(int,int)> f, double t, double h);

class A {
    void run();
    int g(int,int);
    B* mB;

void A::run() {

    ires         = mB->dopristep(&g,  T, h)   

int A::g(int,int){
//do something

我尝试了std::bindstd::function定义。 但它不起作用,因为它需要一个 static 成员 function 不知何故。 (我知道这里有类似的问题。但几乎所有这些问题都存在于主类中或仅在一个类中)我能找到的最相似的案例没有帮助是here


ERROR:reference to non-static member function must be called

如此所述,传递一个 lambda 调用封闭A实例上的 function:

mB->dopristep([&] (int a, int b) { return g(a, b); }, T, h);


template <typename F>
int dopristep(F&& f, double t, double h);


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