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Unity3D c# 改变对象的旋转

[英]Unity3D c# change rotation of object


public static Sun instance;
    public GameObject gameObject;

    public Vector3 SunRot;
    private bool rotate;

    void FixedUpdate()
        ///Rotate gameObject with SunRot values

    internal void UpdateRotation(double altitude, double azimuth)
        SunRot = new Vector3((float)azimuth, (float)altitude, 0);
        rotate = true;


  1. 调用 UpdateRotation
  2. 哦... SunRot 改变了...所以将 SunRot 值复制到 Sun 游戏对象

当我使用 EulerAngles 时,它正在复制方位角 [from server: 304.00075, in transform.rotation: 65.99825] ...我想像 [from server: 304.00075, in transform.rotation: 304.00075]

最好保留来自服务器的先前值,并在更改时使用Transform.Rotate(deltaRotation) 不过,您需要小心边界 0-360 的情况。

public static Sun instance;
    public GameObject gameObject;
    private Transform sunTransform = gameObject.Transform;
    private Vector3 previousServerValues;
    private bool rotate;

    void FixedUpdate()
        ///Rotate gameObject with SunRot values

    internal void UpdateRotation(double altitude, double azimuth)
        var newServerVals = new Vector3((float)azimuth, (float)altitude, 0); 
        Vector3 deltaRotation = newServerRot - previousServerRot ;
        if (deltaRotation.x < 0)   //boundary case, may need it for altitude as well
            deltaRotation.x += 360;
        sunTransform.Rotate (deltaRotation);
        rotate = true;

顺便说一下,您可能需要使用Transform.RotateAround ,除非您偏移了太阳对象的中心,根据您的情况,这可能是理想的,也可能不是理想的。


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