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如何为文件夹中的所有子目录执行 git 拉取?(在 Windows 中)

[英]How to do git pull for all sub-directories in a folder?(In Windows )

I have a git directory, I want to do git pull for all sub directories, sub sub directory and so on, how to do that in windows command prompt or powershell?

NOTE : I know about similar questions, but none of them work for me as some are for linux and rest only do git pull for .git folders inside master folder(ie depth = 1 ), I want depth = ∞


for /r %a in (.) do @if exist "%a/.git" cmd /c "cd /d %a && git pull"



在 powershell 中,递归子目录就像提供-recurse参数一样简单。 例如:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\me -Filter "*.git" -Recurse


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