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R 向量计数每个日期范围内的日期数

[英]R vector count number of dates within range of each date


给定一列日期dates ,计算前 365 天内该列中其他日期的数量。 这个问题可以推广到日期向量之外。

这是一种实现; 我正在寻找任何可以帮助它更好地扩展的建议。


# set seed for reproducibility

# function to calculate number of dates in prior year
within365 <- function(col){
  sapply(col, function(x){
    sum(x-365 < col & col <= x-1)
# fake data sorted chronologically
df <- data.frame(dates = sample(seq(as.Date('2015/01/01'), as.Date('2020/12/31'), 
                by="day"), 10)) %>% arrange(dates)

# applying the function
df %>% mutate(numWithin365 = within365(dates))
        dates numWithin365
1  2015-12-22            0
2  2016-09-25            1
3  2018-01-02            0
4  2018-02-25            1
5  2018-03-22            2
6  2018-06-05            3
7  2018-08-19            4
8  2019-06-13            1
9  2020-09-02            0
10 2020-09-27            1

我们可以创建一个新列,从dates列中减去 365 天,然后使用fuzzy_left_join根据日期范围加入。


df1 <- df %>% mutate(dates1 = dates - 365)

fuzzy_left_join(df1, df1, by = c('dates1' = 'dates', 'dates'), 
                match_fun = c(`<`, `>`)) %>%
  group_by(dates = dates.x) %>%
  summarise(numWithin365 = sum(!is.na(dates.y)))

#   dates      numWithin365
# * <date>            <int>
# 1 2015-12-22            0
# 2 2016-09-25            1
# 3 2018-01-02            0
# 4 2018-02-25            1
# 5 2018-03-22            2
# 6 2018-06-05            3
# 7 2018-08-19            4
# 8 2019-06-13            1
# 9 2020-09-02            0
#10 2020-09-27            1


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