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Orion 是否与 AWS DocumentDB 兼容

[英]Is Orion compatible with AWS DocumentDB

我正在尝试将 Orion 与 AWS DocumentDB 连接,但未建立连接。 但是,我尝试了另外两个 FIWARE 组件 IoTAgent 和 Sth-Comet 与 DocumentDB,两者都工作正常。

相同的主机名和凭据适用于 IoTAgent 和 Sth-Comet。 我还检查了连接,这很好,因为 IoTAgent 和 Sth-Comet 在 same.network 中。 我还从 same.network 中的另一个 mongo 主机进行了检查,这也有效。 下面是我为 Orion 得到的错误。

time=2021-02-18T07:03:46.293Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=mongoConnectionPool.cpp[180]:mongoConnect | msg=Database Startup Error (cannot connect to mongo - doing 100 retries with a 1000 millisecond interval)

Orion 是否有可能与 AWS DocumentDB 不兼容?


bash-4.2$ ps ax | grep contextBroker
    1 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/bin/contextBroker -fg -multiservice -ngsiv1Autocast -disableFileLog -dbhost xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.docdb.amazonaws.com -db admin -dbuser test -dbpwd xxxxxxxxxx


早些时候,我通过直接从 dockerhub 拉取来使用 Orion docker 图像,但没有用。 所以这次,我通过构建2.4.2和2.5.2版本的源码构建了两个docker的镜像。 现在,我可以使用这些 docker 图像连接 AWS DocuemntDB,但出现如下不同的错误。

time=2021-02-23T06:10:41.982Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=safeMongo.cpp[360]:getField | msg=Runtime Error (field '_id' is missing in BSONObj <{ ok: 0.0, code: 303, errmsg: "Legacy opcodes are not supported" }> from caller mongoSubCacheItemInsert:83)
time=2021-02-23T06:10:41.982Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=AlarmManager.cpp[211]:dbError | msg=Raising alarm DatabaseError: error retrieving _id field in doc: '{ ok: 0.0, code: 303, errmsg: "Legacy opcodes are not supported" }'


contextBroker --version
2.5.0-next (git version: 3984f9fc30e90fa04682131ca4516b4d277eb27e)

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:1026/version'
    "orion" : {
      "version" : "2.5.0-next",
      "uptime" : "0 d, 0 h, 4 m, 56 s",
      "git_hash" : "3984f9fc30e90fa04682131ca4516b4d277eb27e",
      "compile_time" : "Mon Feb 22 17:39:30 UTC 2021",
      "compiled_by" : "root",
      "compiled_in" : "4c7575c7c27f",
      "release_date" : "Mon Feb 22 17:39:30 UTC 2021",
      "doc" : "https://fiware-orion.rtfd.io/",
      "libversions": {
         "boost": "1_53",
         "libcurl": "libcurl/7.29.0 NSS/3.53.1 zlib/1.2.7 libidn/1.28 libssh2/1.8.0",
         "libmicrohttpd": "0.9.70",
         "openssl": "1.0.2k",
         "rapidjson": "1.1.0",
         "mongodriver": "legacy-1.1.2"

我还可以使用 Mongo Shell 从 Orion Pod 连接到 DocumentDB。

mongo --host xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.docdb.amazonaws.com:27017 --username xxxx --password xxxx
rs0:PRIMARY> show dbs;

我还可以使用以下命令创建条目,并在 DocumentDB 中创建数据库和集合:

curl localhost:1026/v2/entities -s -S --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
>     -X POST -d @- <<EOF
> {
>   "id": "Room2",
>   "type": "Room",
>   "temperature": {
>     "value": 23,
>     "type": "Number"
>   },
>   "pressure": {
>     "value": 720,
>     "type": "Number"
>   }
> }

rs0:PRIMARY> show dbs;
orion  0.000GB

但是我无法使用 orion API 获取该数据,并且在执行此命令后它从容器中退出并返回空响应。 我已经用 DocumentDB 4.0 和 3.6 检查了 Orion 版本 2.4.2 和 2.5.2。

[root@orion-docdb-7748fd9c85-gbjz7 /]# curl localhost:1026/v2/entities/Room2 -s -S --header 'Accept: application/json' | python -mjson.tool
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
command terminated with exit code 137


time=2021-02-23T06:16:04.564Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=safeMongo.cpp[360]:getField | msg=Runtime Error (field '_id' is missing in BSONObj <{ ok: 0.0, code: 303, errmsg: "Legacy opcodes are not supported" }> from caller mongoSubCacheItemInsert:83)
time=2021-02-23T06:16:04.564Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=AlarmManager.cpp[211]:dbError | msg=Raising alarm DatabaseError: error retrieving _id field in doc: '{ ok: 0.0, code: 303, errmsg: "Legacy opcodes are not supported" }'


我添加了-noCache并再次部署。 以下是命令 output 和日志供您参考。


#ps ax | grep contextBroker
1 ?        Ssl    0:00 /usr/bin/contextBroker -fg -multiservice -ngsiv1Autocast -disableFileLog -dbhost xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.docdb.amazonaws.com -dbuser xxxxxxxx -dbpwd xxxxxxxx -logLevel DEBUG -noCache


rs0:PRIMARY> show dbs
orion  0.000GB
rs0:PRIMARY> use orion
switched to db orion
rs0:PRIMARY> show collections
rs0:PRIMARY> db.entities.find()
{ "_id" : { "id" : "Room2", "type" : "Room", "servicePath" : "/" }, "attrNames" : [ "temperature", "pressure" ], "attrs" : { "temperature" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1614323032.671698, "modDate" : 1614323032.671698, "value" : 23, "mdNames" : [ ] }, "pressure" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1614323032.671698, "modDate" : 1614323032.671698, "value" : 720, "mdNames" : [ ] } }, "creDate" : 1614323032.671698, "modDate" : 1614323032.671698, "lastCorrelator" : "c8a73f40-7800-11eb-bd9b-bea9c419835d" }

Orion Pod 日志:

time=2021-02-26T06:46:33.966Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=contextBroker.cpp[1008]:main | msg=start command line </usr/bin/contextBroker -fg -multiservice -ngsiv1Autocast -disableFileLog -dbhost -dbhost xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.docdb.amazonaws.com -dbuser xxxxxxxx -dbpwd xxxxxxxx -logLevel DEBUG -noCache>
time=2021-02-26T06:46:33.966Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=contextBroker.cpp[1076]:main | msg=Orion Context Broker is running
time=2021-02-26T06:46:34.280Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=MongoGlobal.cpp[243]:mongoInit | msg=Connected to mongo at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.docdb.amazonaws.com/orion, as user 'xxxxxxx' (poolsize: 10)
time=2021-02-26T06:46:34.282Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=contextBroker.cpp[1202]:main | msg=Startup completed
time=2021-02-26T07:03:24.546Z | lvl=INFO | corr=b7e44e5a-7800-11eb-9531-bea9c419835d | trans=1614321993-966-00000000001 | from= | srv=<none> | subsrv=<none> | comp=Orion | op=logTracing.cpp[79]:logInfoRequestWithoutPayload | msg=Request received: GET /version, response code: 200
time=2021-02-26T07:03:52.672Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=c8a73f40-7800-11eb-bd9b-bea9c419835d | trans=1614321993-966-00000000002 | from= | srv=<none> | subsrv=<none> | comp=Orion | op=safeMongo.cpp[360]:getField | msg=Runtime Error (field '_id' is missing in BSONObj <{ ok: 0.0, code: 303, errmsg: "Legacy opcodes are not supported", operationTime: Timestamp 1614323032|1 }> from caller processContextElement:3493)
time=2021-02-26T07:03:52.672Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=c8a73f40-7800-11eb-bd9b-bea9c419835d | trans=1614321993-966-00000000002 | from= | srv=<none> | subsrv=<none> | comp=Orion | op=AlarmManager.cpp[211]:dbError | msg=Raising alarm DatabaseError: error retrieving _id field in doc: '{ ok: 0.0, code: 303, errmsg: "Legacy opcodes are not supported", operationTime: Timestamp 1614323032|1 }'
time=2021-02-26T07:03:52.782Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=c8a73f40-7800-11eb-bd9b-bea9c419835d | trans=1614321993-966-00000000002 | from= | srv=<none> | subsrv=<none> | comp=Orion | op=AlarmManager.cpp[235]:dbErrorReset | msg=Releasing alarm DatabaseError
time=2021-02-26T07:03:52.790Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=c8a73f40-7800-11eb-bd9b-bea9c419835d | trans=1614321993-966-00000000002 | from= | srv=<none> | subsrv=<none> | comp=Orion | op=safeMongo.cpp[360]:getField | msg=Runtime Error (field '_id' is missing in BSONObj <{ ok: 0.0, code: 303, errmsg: "Legacy opcodes are not supported", operationTime: Timestamp 1614323032|1 }> from caller addTriggeredSubscriptions_noCache:1408)
time=2021-02-26T07:03:52.790Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=c8a73f40-7800-11eb-bd9b-bea9c419835d | trans=1614321993-966-00000000002 | from= | srv=<none> | subsrv=<none> | comp=Orion | op=AlarmManager.cpp[211]:dbError | msg=Raising alarm DatabaseError: error retrieving _id field in doc: '{ ok: 0.0, code: 303, errmsg: "Legacy opcodes are not supported", operationTime: Timestamp 1614323032|1 }'
time=2021-02-26T07:03:52.791Z | lvl=INFO | corr=c8a73f40-7800-11eb-bd9b-bea9c419835d | trans=1614321993-966-00000000002 | from= | srv=<none> | subsrv=<none> | comp=Orion | op=logTracing.cpp[130]:logInfoRequestWithPayload | msg=Request received: POST /v2/entities, request payload (148 bytes): {  "id": "Room2",  "type": "Room",  "temperature": {    "value": 23,    "type": "Number"  },  "pressure": {    "value": 720,    "type": "Number"  }}, response code: 201
time=2021-02-26T07:03:58.479Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=cc1d5934-7800-11eb-a28d-bea9c419835d | trans=1614321993-966-00000000003 | from= | srv=<none> | subsrv=<none> | comp=Orion | op=AlarmManager.cpp[235]:dbErrorReset | msg=Releasing alarm DatabaseError
time=2021-02-26T07:03:58.479Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=cc1d5934-7800-11eb-a28d-bea9c419835d | trans=1614321993-966-00000000003 | from= | srv=<none> | subsrv=<none> | comp=Orion | op=safeMongo.cpp[360]:getField | msg=Runtime Error (field '_id' is missing in BSONObj <{ ok: 0.0, code: 303, errmsg: "Legacy opcodes are not supported", operationTime: Timestamp 1614323038|1 }> from caller ContextElementResponse:109)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'mongo::AssertionException'
  what():  assertion src/mongo/bson/bsonelement.cpp:392

Pod 在 API 调用期间退出并重新启动:

curl localhost:1026/v2/entities/Room2 -s -S --header 'Accept: application/json' | python -mjson.tool
command terminated with exit code 137


"Legacy opcodes are not supported"

尽管 Orion 2.5.2 及之前使用的 MongoDB 驱动程序可与官方 MongoDB 版本(最高 4.4)一起使用,但 MongoDB“克隆”(如 AWS DocumentDB)可能并非如此。

我们正在将 Orion 使用的旧驱动程序更改为新驱动程序 一旦此更改在 Orion master 分支中生效,我建议对其进行测试(使用:latest dockerhub 标签)。 同时,作为解决方法,我建议使用官方 MongoDB 数据库。

编辑:更改 MongoDB 驱动程序的过程已经完成,Orion 从 3.0.0 版开始使用新驱动程序。 我认为最好使用这个新版本进行测试,看看效果如何。 如果您向我提供访问信息(参见此处),我可以帮助您进行测试。


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