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更改 SwiftUI DragGesture 中的数组顺序

[英]Change array sequence in SwiftUI DragGesture


这是我的第一个原型,请忽略样式问题。 我希望用户能够更改卡片的顺序,我试图通过拖动手势来实现。


我的想法是,当拖动手势的平移大于卡片偏移量(或小于卡片负偏移量)时,我只需交换数组中的两个元素即可交换视图中的卡片(以及 viewModel 因为绑定)。 不幸的是,这不起作用,我不知道为什么。 这是我的观点:

struct CardHand: View {
    @Binding var cards: [Card]
    @State var activeCardIndex: Int?
    @State var activeCardOffset: CGSize = CGSize.zero
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            ForEach(cards.indices) { index in
                GameCard(card: cards[index])
                    .offset(x: CGFloat(-30 * index), y: self.activeCardIndex == index ? -20 : 0)
                    .offset(activeCardIndex == index ? activeCardOffset : CGSize.zero)
                    .rotationEffect(Angle.degrees(Double(-2 * Double(index - cards.count))))
                    .zIndex(activeCardIndex == index ? 100 : Double(index))
                    .gesture(getDragGesture(for: index))
            // Move the stack back to the center of the screen
            .offset(x: CGFloat(12 * cards.count), y: 0)
    private func getDragGesture(for index: Int) -> some Gesture {
            .onChanged { gesture in
                self.activeCardIndex = index
                self.activeCardOffset = gesture.translation
            .onEnded { gesture in
                if gesture.translation.width > 30, index < cards.count {
                    cards.swapAt(index, index + 1)
                self.activeCardIndex = nil
                // DEBUG: Try removing the card after drag gesture ended. Not working either.
                cards.remove(at: index)


struct GameCard: View {
    let card: Card
    var symbol: (String, Color) {
        switch card.suit.name {
            case "diamonds":
                return ("♦", .red)
            case "hearts":
                return ("♥", .red)
            case "spades":
                return ("♠", .black)
            case "clubs":
                return ("♣", .black)
                return ("none", .black)
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25)
                .addBorder(Color.black, width: 3, cornerRadius: 25)
            VStack {
                    .font(.system(size: 100))
        .frame(minWidth: 20, idealWidth: 80, maxWidth: 80, minHeight: 100, idealHeight: 100, maxHeight: 100, alignment: .center)


public struct Card: Identifiable, Hashable {
    public var id: UUID = UUID()
    public var suit: Suit
    public var rank: Rank

public enum Type: Identifiable, Hashable {
    case face(String)
    case numeric(rankNumber: Int)
    public var id: Type { self }
    public func description() -> String{
        switch self {
        case .face(let description):
            return description
        case .numeric(let rankNumber):
            return String(rankNumber)

public struct Rank: RankProtocol, Identifiable, Hashable {
    public var id: UUID = UUID()
    public var type: Type
    public var value: Int
    public var ranking: Int

public struct Suit: SuitProtocol, Identifiable, Hashable {
    public var id: UUID = UUID()
    public var name: String
    public var value: Int
    public init(name: String, value: Int) {
        self.name = name
        self.value = value

public protocol RankProtocol {
    var type: Type { get }
    var value: Int { get }

public protocol SuitProtocol {
    var name: String { get }

谁能告诉我为什么这没有按我的预期工作? 我错过了什么基本的东西吗?


这里发生了很多小错误。 这是一个(粗略的)解决方案,我将在下面详细说明:

struct CardHand: View {
    @Binding var cards: [Card]
    @State var activeCardIndex: Int?
    @State var activeCardOffset: CGSize = CGSize.zero
    func offsetForCardIndex(index: Int) -> CGSize {
        var initialOffset = CGSize(width: CGFloat(-30 * index), height: 0)
        guard index == activeCardIndex else {
            return initialOffset
        initialOffset.width += activeCardOffset.width
        initialOffset.height += activeCardOffset.height
        return initialOffset
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            ForEach(cards.indices) { index in
                GameCard(card: cards[index])
                    .offset(offsetForCardIndex(index: index))
                    .rotationEffect(Angle.degrees(Double(-2 * Double(index - cards.count))))
                    .zIndex(activeCardIndex == index ? 100 : Double(index))
                    .gesture(getDragGesture(for: index))
            // Move the stack back to the center of the screen
            .offset(x: CGFloat(12 * cards.count), y: 0)
    private func getDragGesture(for index: Int) -> some Gesture {
        DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0, coordinateSpace: .local)
            .onChanged { gesture in
                self.activeCardIndex = index
                self.activeCardOffset = gesture.translation
            .onEnded { gesture in
                if gesture.translation.width > 30 {
                    if index - 1 > 0 {
                        cards.swapAt(index, index - 1)
                if gesture.translation.width < -30 {
                    cards.swapAt(index, index + 1)
                self.activeCardIndex = nil
  1. 尝试连续进行两次offset()调用是有问题的。 我将两者组合成offsetForCardIndex
  2. 因为您正在执行ZStack ,请记住cards数组中的第一项将位于堆栈的底部并且朝向屏幕的右侧。 这影响了后来的逻辑
  3. 您需要确保在swapAt中检查数组的边界,以免最终尝试交换超出索引(这是之前发生的情况)

我的“解决方案”仍然很粗糙——应该进行更多检查以确保阵列不会 go 越界。 此外,在您的原始版本和我的版本中,从用户体验的角度来看,能够交换超过 1 个 position 可能更有意义。 但是,在这个问题的 scope 之外,这是一个更大的问题。


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