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如何将输入写入二进制文件并在 c 中读取?

[英]How to write inputs into a binary file and read it in c?

最近我正在做一个初学者项目。 但是我被困了好几天,不知道如何更新文件。 然后我发现我可以用二进制文件来做,所以我开始使用二进制文件而不是普通文件。 但是现在当我写入二进制文件时它可以工作(我假设),但是当我从中读取时,它给了我segmentation fault (core dumped)


struct date{  // structure for dates
    int mm, dd, yyyy;

struct {
    char *initials, *name, *email, *acc_type;  // unchangeable values 
    char id_num[11], occupation[25], address[100];  // changeable values
    int phone, acc_num, balance;
    struct date birth_day;  // structure for birth day
} new_acc;

这是我的写作 function...

void create_new(void)
    // Allocating memory for each member in struct
    new_acc.name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(new_acc.name));  
    new_acc.initials = (char *) malloc(sizeof(new_acc.initials));
    new_acc.email = (char *) malloc(sizeof(new_acc.email));
    new_acc.acc_type = (char *) malloc(sizeof(new_acc.acc_type));

    puts("Answer the questions to make a account");

    time_t l;  // To generate a number
    srand((unsigned) time(&l));  // Generating a random number to account number
    new_acc.acc_num = l;  // Assign l value to acc_num var in struct

    printf("Enter your full name: ");
    scanf(" %100[^\n]", new_acc.name);  // scan for name, 100 characters, and also accepting spaces

    printf("Enter your name with initials: ");
    scanf(" %100[^\n]", new_acc.initials);

    printf("Enter your birthday (mm/dd/yyyy): ");
    scanf(" %d %d %d", &new_acc.birth_day.mm, &new_acc.birth_day.dd, &new_acc.birth_day.yyyy)

    printf("Enter your address: ");
    scanf(" %100[^\n]", new_acc.address);

    printf("Enter your phone number: ");
    scanf(" %10d", &new_acc.phone);

    printf("Enter your id number: ");
    scanf(" %10[0-9a-zA-Z]", new_acc.id_num);

    printf("Enter your occupation: ");
    scanf(" %50[^\n]", new_acc.occupation);

    printf("Enter your email address:");
    scanf(" %s", new_acc.email);

    printf("Enter the account type:\n");
    printf("\t#Saving\n\tFixed (1 year)\n\tFixed (2 year)\n\tFixed (3 year)\n");
    scanf(" %20s", new_acc.acc_type);

    printf("Enter amount to deposite: $");
    scanf(" %d", &new_acc.balance);

    FILE *fp;
    fp = fopen("employees", "a");  // Opening file in append mode 

    if (fp == NULL)  // If  file couldn't open 
        puts("Cannot open a file...");

    // Here, I also used while loop, but I don't know how to break it so I used for loop
    for (int i = 0; i <= 12; ++i)  // Looping 12 times  
        fwrite(&new_acc, sizeof(new_acc), 1, fp);  // writting to file 

     fclose(fp);  // Closing file

    // freeing memory after use

    int out;
    printf("Successfully created a account!\nYour account number is %d\n", new_acc.acc_num);
    printf("Press 1 to exit, and 0 to go to main menu...");
    scanf("%d", &out);

    switch (out){
    case 1:
    case 0:


FILE *fp; 
    fp = fopen("employees", "r");

    if (fp == NULL)
        puts("Cannot open a file...");

    for (int i = 0; i <= 12; ++i)
        fread(&new_acc, sizeof(new_acc), 1, fp);


    printf("%d\n", new_acc.acc_num); // It only prints acc_num
    // After that it gives me segmentation fault 
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.name);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.initials);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.birth_day);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.address);
    printf("%d\n", new_acc.phone);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.id_num);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.occupation);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.email);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.acc_type);
    printf("%d\n", new_acc.balance);

我不确定正确的是写入和读取 bin 文件......

我在写入 bin 文件并从中读取时是错误的。


  • 正如他在评论中提到的,我将结构中的char*更改为char arrays。
char initials[80], name[250], email[100], acc_type[25];
  • 而且我还更改了文件模式。 我用ab来写代码片段。 rb阅读片段。

  • 我改变了我的写作片段。

在这里我循环了 12 次,这写了每条记录 12 次。 伤心啊? 发生这种情况是因为我在fwrite中只使用了 struct &new_acc的地址。 如果你在fwrite`` or fread``` 中只使用一个结构的地址,它将写入你的整个结构。 这就是发生在我身上的事。 我写了整个结构 12 次。

for (int i = 0; i <= 12; ++i)  // Looping 12 times  
        fwrite(&new_acc, sizeof(new_acc), 1, fp);  // writting to file 


fwrite(&new_acc, sizeof(new_acc), 1, fp); \\ This line will write whole struct

但是如果你想使用结构的成员而不是整个结构,你可以自由地使用循环。 这是一个例子。 此示例与上述示例相同。 但请记住在写入文件时使用i或您在for循环中使用的任何变量。 而不是i ,如果你使用成员名,它也会写 12 次(或者只要你循环......)

for (int i = 0; i <= 12; ++i)  // Looping 12 times  
        fwrite(&new_acc.[i], sizeof(new_acc.[i]), 1, fp);  // writting to file 
  • 阅读部分也发生了同样的事情(我猜......)。 所以我改变了如下代码片段
    FILE *fp; 
    fp = fopen("employees", "rb");

    if (fp == NULL)
        puts("Cannot open a file...");

    int i = 0;
    while(fread(&new_acc, sizeof(new_acc), 1, fp) != 0){  /* use fread one time */
    printf("%d\n", new_acc.acc_num);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.name);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.initials);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.birth_day);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.address);
    printf("%d\n", new_acc.phone);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.id_num);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.occupation);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.email);
    printf("%s\n", new_acc.acc_type);
    printf("%d\n", new_acc.balance);    



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