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R 中的余弦相似度矩阵

[英]Cosine Similarity Matrix in R

我有一个文档术语矩阵“mydtm”,我使用“tm”package 在 R 中创建。 我试图描述 dtm/corpus 中包含的 557 个文档之间的相似之处。 我一直在尝试使用余弦相似度矩阵:mydtm_cosine <- dist(mydtm_matrix, method = "cosine", diag = F, upper = F) 但是我得到的 output 矩阵很大,有很多缺失值。 任何帮助/建议将不胜感激。 Output 矩阵

您的文档之间可能很少出现单词。 您可能希望减少术语文档矩阵中的单词。

text <- c("term-document matrix is a mathematical matrix", 
    "we now have a tidy three-column",
    "cast into a Term-Document Matrix",
    "where the rows represent the text responses, or documents")
corpus <- VCorpus(VectorSource(text))
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(corpus, 
    control = list(wordLengths = c(1, Inf)))
occurrence <- apply(X = tdm, 
    MARGIN = 1, 
    FUN = function(x) sum(x > 0) / ncol(tdm))
#            a          cast     documents          have 
#         0.75          0.25          0.25          0.25 
#         into            is  mathematical        matrix 
#         0.25          0.25          0.25          0.50 
#          now            or     represent    responses, 
#         0.25          0.25          0.25          0.25 
#         rows term-document          text           the 
#         0.25          0.50          0.25          0.25 
# three-column          tidy            we         where 
#         0.25          0.25          0.25          0.25 

quantile(occurrence, probs = c(0.5, 0.9, 0.99))
#    50%    90%    99% 
# 0.2500 0.5000 0.7025 

tdm_mat <- as.matrix(tdm[names(occurrence)[occurrence >= 0.5], ])
#                Docs
# Terms           1 2 3 4
#   a             1 1 1 0
#   matrix        2 0 1 0
#   term-document 1 0 1 0


dist(tdm_mat, method = "cosine", upper = TRUE)
#                       a    matrix term-document
# a                       0.2254033     0.1835034
# matrix        0.2254033               0.0513167
# term-document 0.1835034 0.0513167              


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