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如何逐块读取大 Azure blob 存储文件

[英]How to read a big Azure blob storage file block by block

我想读取一个巨大的 Azure blob 存储文件和 stream 其内容到 Event-Hub。 我找到了这个例子,

from azure.storage.blob import BlockBlobService

bb = BlockBlobService(account_name='', account_key='')
container_name = ""
blob_name_to_download = "test.txt"
file_path ="/home/Adam/Downloaded_test.txt"

bb.get_blob_to_path(container_name, blob_name_to_download, file_path, open_mode='wb', 
 snapshot=None, start_range=None, end_range=None, validate_content=False, 
 progress_callback=None, max_connections=2, lease_id=None, 
 if_modified_since=None, if_unmodified_since=None, 
 if_match=None, if_none_match=None, timeout=None)

但是通过这种方式,你不能在循环中获得块,这是我想做的。 那么,如何针对我的案例修改此代码?

如果您注意到, get_blob_to_path方法中有两个参数 - start_rangeend_range 这两个参数将允许您以块的形式读取 blob 的数据。

您需要做的是首先获取 blob 的属性以找到其长度,然后重复调用get_blob_xxx方法以分块获取数据。 我使用get_blob_to_text方法,但您可以here查看其他方法。

这是我想出的伪代码。 HTH。

bb = BlockBlobService(account_name='', account_key='')
container_name = ""
blob_name_to_download = "test.txt"
file_path ="/home/Adam/Downloaded_test.txt"

#First get blob properties. We would want to find out blob's content length
blob = bb.get_blob_properties()

#extract content length from blob's properties
blob_size = blob.properties.content_length

#now let's say we want to fetch 1MB chunk at a time so we loop and fetch 1MB content at a time.
start = 0
end = blob_size
chunk_size = 1 * 1024 * 1024 #1MB
    start_range = start
    end_range = start + chunk_size - 1
    blob_chunk_content = bb.get_blob_to_text(container_name, blob_name, 
        encoding='utf-8', snapshot=None, start_range=start_range, end_range=end_range, 
        validate_content=False, progress_callback=None, max_connections=2, 
        lease_id=None, if_modified_since=None, if_unmodified_since=None, 
        if_match=None, if_none_match=None, timeout=None)
    #blob_chunk_content will have 1 MB data. Do whatever you like with it.
    start = end_range + 1
while (start < end)

这是 Gaurav 伪代码的 Python 版本。 请注意,我必须使用pip install azure-storage-blob==2.1.0 azure.storage.blob package。

from azure.storage.blob import BlockBlobService

bb = BlockBlobService(account_name='<storage_account_name>', account_key='<sas_key>')
container_name = "<container_name>"
blob_name = "<dir>/<file>"

#First get blob properties. We would want to find out blob's content length
blob = bb.get_blob_properties(container_name=container_name, blob_name=blob_name)

#extract content length from blob's properties
blob_size = blob.properties.content_length

#now let's say we want to fetch 1MB chunk at a time,
# so we loop and fetch 1MB content at a time.
start = 0
end = blob_size
chunk_size = 1 * 1024 * 1024 # 1MB

while start < end:
  start_range = start
  end_range = start + chunk_size - 1
  blob_chunk_content = bb.get_blob_to_text(container_name, blob_name, 
    encoding='utf-8', snapshot=None, start_range=start_range, end_range=end_range, 
    validate_content=False, progress_callback=None, max_connections=2, 
    lease_id=None, if_modified_since=None, if_unmodified_since=None, 
    if_match=None, if_none_match=None, timeout=None)
  start = end_range + 1


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