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从 Bigquery 中的多行字符串中提取多个匹配字符串

[英]Extract multiple matching strings from a multiline string in Bigquery

我有两个字段, key和一个名为description的多行字符串字段,如下所示:

钥匙 描述
1个 [多行字符串如下]
2个 [多行字符串如下]
3个 [多行字符串如下]


Some data: 12345
Random string line
System: string that I needA
Some other line here
Some other number of lines here
Some data: qwerty
Random string line
System: string that I needB
Some other line here
Some other number of lines here
Some data: 67890
Random string line
System: string that I needC
Some other line here
Some other number of lines here |

我最终想做的是 output 键的每个“系统”实例:

钥匙 系统
1个 我需要的字符串A
1个 我需要的字符串B
1个 我需要的字符串 C


SUBSTR(system2, INSTR(system2, 'System: ')+8) AS system2_desc,
    SUBSTR(description, INSTR(description, 'System: ')+8) AS system1_desc,
    FROM (
        CASE WHEN INSTR(description, 'System: ') > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS contains_system,
        FROM my_table

然后稍后使用 CHR(10) 查找并删除,但很快这将是不可持续的,并且在不知道系统字符串数量的情况下,我必须考虑比我预期的更多的方式。

是否有 function 可以按照上面的预期 output 提取系统字符串,或者在数组中提取系统字符串,然后我可以对其进行交叉连接?


with mytable as (
    1 as key, 
    """Some data: 12345
Random string line
System: string that I needA
Some other line here
Some other number of lines here
Some data: qwerty
Random string line
System: string that I needB
Some other line here
Some other number of lines here
Some data: 67890
Random string line
System: string that I needC
Some other line here
Some other number of lines here |
""" as description
select key, system
from mytable, unnest(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(description, r"System: (.*)\n")) as system 



with mytable as
    select """
Some data: 12345
Random string line
System: string that I needA
Some other line here
Some other number of lines here
Some data: qwerty
Random string line
System: string that I needB
Some other line here
Some other number of lines here
Some data: 67890
Random string line
System: string that I needC
Some other line here
Some other number of lines here
""" as descp
cte as 
    select split(descp,'\n') as ls 
    from mytable
select replace(str, "System:", '') from cte,unnest(ls) as str
where starts_with(str,"System:" )


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