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Unity、C#、2D:如何将 UI 画布项目(按钮)位置设置为与另一个游戏对象相同的位置?

[英]Unity, C#, 2D : how to set a UI canvas item(button) position to the same position as another gameobject?


private RectTransform Bpos; 

// this var holds the box sprite
    public GameObject menu;

// this var hold the button game object
    public GameObject button;

// vector to hold position
    Vector3 pos;

void Start(){
// sets vector to box position
       pos = menu.transform.position;

       //declairs button recttransform
            Bpos = button.GetComponent<RectTransform>();

       // sets button recttransformto pos vector
       button.Bpos = pos;

i am currently getting the error at line (button,Bpos = pos;)

 error CS1061: 'GameObject' does not contain a definition for 'Bpos' and no accessible extension method 'Bpos' accepting a first argument of type 'GameObject' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
for the life of me i cant get this to work 

UI 使用 anchoredPosition 而不是 transform.position。 您需要将按钮的anchoredPosition 设置为菜单的anchoredPosition。 您可以通过访问 RectTransform 来获取 anchoredPosition。 我会这样写:

void Start(){
   // get anchoredPosition of menu and save it in pos
   pos = menu.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition;

   // set anchoredPosition of the button to pos (anchoredPosition of menu)
   button.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = pos



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