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[英]Adding new key, values to dictionaries within a list from a list

任务:我必须生成一些随机的出生日期并将其添加到我的三个字典列表中。 我已经生成了随机任务,但我坚持将“出生日期”键添加到鸭子内的字典中,并使用我创建的列表中的值。 有什么建议吗? 这是我到目前为止的代码:

ducks =[{'first_name': 'Davey', 'last_name': 'McDuck', 'location': "Rob's Office", 'insane': True, 'followers': 12865, 'following': 120, 
  'weapons': ['wit', 'steely stare', 'devilish good looks'], 'remorse': None}, 
 {'first_name': 'Jim', 'last_name': 'Bob', 'location': 'Turing Lab', 'insane': False, 'followers': 123, 
  'following': 5000, 'weapons': ['squeak'], 'remorse': None}, 
 {'first_name': 'Celest', 'last_name': '', 'location': 'Throne Room', 'insane': True, 'followers': 40189, 'following': 1, 
  'weapons': ['politics', 'dance moves', 'chess grandmaster', 'immortality']}] #list with three dictionaries
import random
dob = []
def dateofbirth(number=1):
    Year = random.randrange(1990, 2010)
    for item in range(number):
        yield random.randrange(1990, 2010), random.randrange(1, 12), random.randrange(1, 30)

dateTimeThatIwant = dateofbirth(3)

for year, month, date in dateTimeThatIwant:
    #print((year, month, date))
    dob.append([year, month, date])
for d in ducks:
    d["dob"] = dob_value

在这里,您可以使用zip来遍历两个容器。 它将允许您采用两个可迭代对象并将其作为元组返回。 这些值可以简单地用于普通的 for 循环。 您应该注意,这假设ducksdob具有相同的大小。

ducks =[{'first_name': 'Davey', 'last_name': 'McDuck', 'location': "Rob's Office", 'insane': True, 'followers': 12865, 'following': 120, 
  'weapons': ['wit', 'steely stare', 'devilish good looks'], 'remorse': None}, 
 {'first_name': 'Jim', 'last_name': 'Bob', 'location': 'Turing Lab', 'insane': False, 'followers': 123, 
  'following': 5000, 'weapons': ['squeak'], 'remorse': None}, 
 {'first_name': 'Celest', 'last_name': '', 'location': 'Throne Room', 'insane': True, 'followers': 40189, 'following': 1, 
  'weapons': ['politics', 'dance moves', 'chess grandmaster', 'immortality']}] #list with three dictionaries
import random
dob = []
def dateofbirth(number=1):
    Year = random.randrange(1990, 2010)
    for item in range(number):
        yield random.randrange(1990, 2010), random.randrange(1, 12), random.randrange(1, 30)

dateTimeThatIwant = dateofbirth(3)

for year, month, date in dateTimeThatIwant:
    #print((year, month, date))
    dob.append([year, month, date])
for c_dob, d in zip(dob, ducks):
    d['dob'] = c_dob


from datetime import datetime
from random import randint

ducks = [{'first_name': 'Davey', 'last_name': 'McDuck', 'location': "Rob's Office", 'insane': True, 'followers': 12865, 'following': 120,
          'weapons': ['wit', 'steely stare', 'devilish good looks'], 'remorse': None},
         {'first_name': 'Jim', 'last_name': 'Bob', 'location': 'Turing Lab', 'insane': False, 'followers': 123,
          'following': 5000, 'weapons': ['squeak'], 'remorse': None},
         {'first_name': 'Celest', 'last_name': '', 'location': 'Throne Room', 'insane': True, 'followers': 40189, 'following': 1,
          'weapons': ['politics', 'dance moves', 'chess grandmaster', 'immortality']}]

def randomdate(loyear=1990, hiyear=2010):
    while True:
            yy = randint(loyear, hiyear)
            mm = randint(1, 12)
            dd = randint(1, 31)
            datetime.strptime(f'{dd}/{mm}/{yy}', '%d/%m/%Y')
            return [yy, mm, dd]
        except ValueError:

for duck in ducks:
    duck['dob'] = randomdate()


万一年、月和日的随机选择产生无效的结果,datetime.strptime 将引发 ValueError,所以我们只需再试一次

ducks =[{'first_name': 'Davey', 'last_name': 'McDuck', 'location': "Rob's Office", 'insane': True, 'followers': 12865, 'following': 120, 
  'weapons': ['wit', 'steely stare', 'devilish good looks'], 'remorse': None}, 
 {'first_name': 'Jim', 'last_name': 'Bob', 'location': 'Turing Lab', 'insane': False, 'followers': 123, 
  'following': 5000, 'weapons': ['squeak'], 'remorse': None}, 
 {'first_name': 'Celest', 'last_name': '', 'location': 'Throne Room', 'insane': True, 'followers': 40189, 'following': 1, 
  'weapons': ['politics', 'dance moves', 'chess grandmaster', 'immortality']}] #list with three dictionaries
import random
dob = []
def dateofbirth(number=1):
    Year = random.randrange(1990, 2010)
    for item in range(number):
        yield random.randrange(1990, 2010), random.randrange(1, 12), random.randrange(1, 30)

dateTimeThatIwant = dateofbirth(3)

for year, month, date in dateTimeThatIwant:
    #print((year, month, date))
    dob.append([year, month, date])
for i,d in enumerate(ducks):


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