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UnboundLocalError:分配前引用的局部变量“秘密”。 AWS 机密管理器 python 代码

[英]UnboundLocalError: local variable 'secret' referenced before assignment. AWS secrets manager python code

这是来自 AWS Secret Manager 的 python 代码。 我不确定为什么我会收到错误消息。 我尝试将 function 之外的“秘密”定义为全局变量,然后在 function 中徒劳地声明它。


import boto3
import base64
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import json

def get_secret():

# Create a Secrets Manager client
session = boto3.session.Session()
client = session.client(

# In this sample we only handle the specific exceptions for the 'GetSecretValue' API.
# See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/apireference/API_GetSecretValue.html
# We rethrow the exception by default.

    get_secret_value_response = client.get_secret_value(
except ClientError as e:
    if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'DecryptionFailureException':
        # Secrets Manager can't decrypt the protected secret text using the provided KMS key.
        # Deal with the exception here, and/or rethrow at your discretion.
        raise e
    elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InternalServiceErrorException':
        # An error occurred on the server side.
        # Deal with the exception here, and/or rethrow at your discretion.
        raise e
    elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidParameterException':
        # You provided an invalid value for a parameter.
        # Deal with the exception here, and/or rethrow at your discretion.
        raise e
    elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidRequestException':
        # You provided a parameter value that is not valid for the current state of the resource.
        # Deal with the exception here, and/or rethrow at your discretion.
        raise e
    elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ResourceNotFoundException':
        # We can't find the resource that you asked for.
        # Deal with the exception here, and/or rethrow at your discretion.
        raise e
    # Decrypts secret using the associated KMS CMK.
    # Depending on whether the secret is a string or binary, one of these fields will be populated
    if 'SecretString' in get_secret_value_response:
        secret = get_secret_value_response['SecretString']
        secret = base64.b64decode(get_secret_value_response['SecretBinary'])

return json.loads(secret) 


UnboundLocalError: local variable 'secret' referenced before assignment. 

修改 else 语句对我有用。

    # Decrypts secret using the associated KMS CMK.
    # Depending on whether the secret is a string or binary, one of these fields will be populated
    if 'SecretString' in get_secret_value_response:
        return json.loads(get_secret_value_response['SecretString'])
    return json.loads(base64.b64decode(get_secret_value_response['SecretBinary'])) 

我对错误的理解是变量 'secret' 是 else 块的本地变量,但它被外部引用。 以上只是纠正它的一种选择。

代码没有错。 此问题是由于错误/缺少 aws 凭据而发生的。 请检查您的凭据,确保您已连接 aws,然后重试。


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