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有没有办法在面向 object 的编程中进行这个个性测验?

[英]Is there a way to to make this personality quiz in object oriented programming?

到目前为止,我已经尝试创建 QBank class 将打印和计算所有类别的百分比,以及 PType class 将 output 个性类型。 这是非 object 面向的代码:

apercent = {}
apercent["A"] = 0
apercent["B"] = 0
apercent["C"] = 0
apercent["D"] = 0
questions = [
    {"q": "Would you call yourself a thinker", "f": "D"},
    {"q": "Are you creative", "f": "D"},
    {"q": "Do you like philosophy", "f": "D"},
    {"q": "Do you like to think about complex questions", "f": "D"},
    {"q": "Do you have an interest in artisitc pursuits like painting and writing", "f": "D"},
    {"q": "Do you like initiating conversations", "f": "A"},
    {"q": "Do you like to start talks with new people", "f": "A"},
    {"q": "Is it easy for you to adjust in an enviroment where you initially do not know anyone", "f": "A"},
    {"q": "Are you social", "f": "A"},
    {"q": "Do you like social events (parties, fests and events)", "f": "A"},
    {"q": "Do you mostly make your decisions by heart", "f": "B"},
    {"q": "Do you put others before yourself", "f": "B"},
    {"q": "Do you think that one should change their views if they hurt someone", "f": "B"},
    {"q": "Do you often get lost in your feelings", "f": "B"},
    {"q": "Are you run more by your feelings than logic", "f": "B"},
    {"q": "Can you make a timetable and stick to it", "f": "C"},
    {"q": "Do you usually follow the rules/laws", "f": "C"},
    {"q": "Are you organised", "f": "C"},
    {"q": "Do you plan before doing something", "f": "C"},
    {"q": "Are you ok with following orders", "f": "C"}
def question(index, inp, func):
    if bool(input(str(index + 1) + ". " + inp + "? Yes/No:\t").lower().strip("no. \t")):
        apercent[func] = apercent[func] + 20
     for q in range(len(questions)):
          question(q, questions[q]["q"], questions[q]["f"])
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Your extroversion percentage : ", apercent["A"], "%")
print("Your creativity percentage : ", apercent["N"], "%")
print("Your feeling percentage : ", apercent["B"], "%")
print("Your conscientious percentage : ", apercent["C"], "%")
if apercent["N"] > 50:
    sn = "N"
    sn = "S"
if apercent["A"] > 50:
    ie = "E"
    ie = "I"

if apercent["C"] > 50:
    jp = "J"
    jp = "P"

if apercent["B"] > 50:
    tf = "F"
    tf = "T"
ptype = ie + sn + tf + jp
print("Your personality type is: ", ptype)

这就是我尝试使 QBank object 面向的方式:

class QBank:

  def _init_(self, questions, percentage):
    self.questions = questions
    self.percentage = percentage

  def printQuestions(self, q):
    q = ["Would you call yourself a thinker (Y/N):",
    "Are you creative (Y/N):",
    "Do you like philosophy (Y/N):",
    "Do you like to think about complex questions (Y/N):",
    "Do you have an interest in artisitc pursuits like painting and writing (Y/N):",
    "Do you like initiating conversations (Y/N):",
    "Do you like to start talks with new people (Y/N):",
    "Is it easy for you to adjust in an enviroment where you initially do not know anyone (Y/N):",
    "Are you social (Y/N):",
    "Do you like social events (parties, fests and events) (Y/N):",
    "Do you mostly make your decisions by heart (Y/N):",
    "Do you put others before yourself (Y/N):",
    "Do you think that one should change their views if they hurt someone (Y/N):",
    "Do you often get lost in your feelings (Y/N):",
    "Are you run more by your feelings than logic (Y/N):",
    "Can you make a timetable and stick to it (Y/N):",
    "Do you usually follow the rules/laws (Y/N):",
    "Are you organised (Y/N):",
    "Do you plan before doing something (Y/N):",
    "Are you ok with following orders (Y/N):"]

    f= ["D","D","D","D","D","A","A","A","A","A","B","B","B","B","B","C","C","C","C","C",]

    z = list(zip(q,f))

    for x in range (len(q)):
      print(q, input(" "))


这是针对 PType

class PType:
    def __init__(self, personality, anime, movie, career):
        self.personality  = personality
        self.anime = anime
        self.movie = movie
        self.career = career

    def printValues(self):
        print("Your personality type is: ", self.personality)
        print("Anime character: ", self.anime)
        print("Tv show/movie character: ", self.movie)
        print("Career options: ", self.career)

    def calculatePtype(self):

p1 = PType("ENTJ", "Mikasa Ackerman", "Harrison Wells", "Businessman")


我只是真的坚持如何在 python 的面向 object 的编程中做到这一点。 特别是对于计算。 有人可以帮助我吗?

OOP 是一种不同的编程范式,即一种不同的代码思考方式。 因此,仅在 class 定义中添加或多或少相同的程序代码不会使其成为 OOP。

我冒昧地摸索了一下你的代码,我想出了四个类:问题、个性特征、个性类型,最后是一个测验 class,它除了创建其他类的对象并调用它们的方法之外什么都不做:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Question:
    text : str
    ptrait_code : str

    def ask(self):
        return (self.ptrait_code, bool(input(f'{self.text}?: Yes/No ')))

class PTrait:
    code : str
    title : str
    positive : str
    positive_desc : str
    negative : str
    negative_desc : str
    score : int = 0

    def show_score(self):
        if self.score > 50:
            print(f'Your {self.title} score is {self.score} so you could be described as {self.positive_desc}')
            print(f'Your {self.title} score is {self.score} so you could be described as {self.negative_desc}')

    def score2ptype(self):
        if self.score > 50:
            return self.positive
        return self.negative

class PType:
    code : str
    anime : str
    movie : str
    career : str
    def show_result(self):
        print(f'Your personality type is {self.code}')
        print(f'Your anime character is {self.anime}')
        print(f'Your movie is {self.movie}')
        print(f'Your career is {self.career}')

class Quiz:
    def __init__(self):
        self.questions = [Question("Would you call yourself a thinker","CRE"),
                          Question("Are you creative","CRE"),
                          Question("Do you like philosophy","CRE")
        self.ptraits = {"EXT" : PTrait("EXT", "Extroversion", "E", "Extroverted", "I", "Introverted"),
                        "CRE" : PTrait("CRE", "Creativity", "N", "Creative", "S", "Down-to-earth")
        self.ptypes = {'ENTJ' : PType('ENTJ', "Mikasa Ackerman", "Harrison Wells", "Businessman")
        self.computed_ptype = ''

    def run_quiz(self):
        for q in self.questions:
            trait, answer = q.ask()
            if answer:
                self.ptraits[trait].score += 20
        for trait in self.ptraits:
            self.computed_ptype += self.ptraits[trait].score2ptype()
        ##force ENTJ since a few data are missing
        self.computed_ptype = "ENTJ"

Would you call yourself a thinker?: Yes/No y
Are you creative?: Yes/No y
Do you like philosophy?: Yes/No y

Your Extroversion score is 0 so you could be described as Introverted
Your Creativity score is 60 so you could be described as Creative

Your personality type is ENTJ
Your anime character is Mikasa Ackerman
Your movie is Harrison Wells
Your career is Businessman


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