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计算给定 3 个点的平面的 3D 旋转及其相对 position

[英]Calculate 3D rotation of a plane given 3 points and their relative position

我正在尝试在 Unity 中旋转 3D 中的平面,给出三点。 这些点并不总是相同的,但它们始终位于此图像中的红点上

我知道这些点的绝对位置,以及它们相对于平面的 position。 例如,我可能知道点 (-5, 5) 位于 (10, -4, 13) 上。

我知道当三个点在一条线上时(例如(-5, 5)、(0, 5)和(5, 5)),不可能计算完整的旋转,所以我已经抛出异常案子。 但是,当三个点不在一条线上时,应该可以计算完整的旋转。

到目前为止,我已经使用下面的代码进行旋转,但这错过了围绕 y 轴的旋转(示例使用点 (-5, 5)、(5, 5) 和 (-5, -5)。

Vector3 p1 = Point1.transform.position;// point 1 absolute position
Vector3 p1Relative = new Vector3(-5, 0, 5);
Vector3 p2 = Point2.transform.position;// point 2 absolute position
Vector3 p2Relative = new Vector3(5, 0, 5);
Vector3 p3 = Point3.transform.position;// point 3 absolute position
Vector3 p3Relative = new Vector3(-5, 0, -5);

Gizmos.DrawSphere(p1, .1f);
Gizmos.DrawSphere(p2, .1f);
Gizmos.DrawSphere(p3, .1f);

Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(p2 - p1, p3- p1);
rotator.transform.up = normal;

我将如何扩展或更改此代码以包含围绕 Y 轴的旋转? 先感谢您。


  • 左上角
  • 右上角
  • 左下角

所以你可能会得到两个方向,并简单地假设给定的 3 点实际上是他们声称的

var ul = UpperLeft.transform.position;
var ur = UpperRight.transform.position;
var ll = LowerLeft.transform.position;

// actually ignored since setting right and up is already enough
// need it though to calculate the up vector and the final position
var forward = ul - ll;
var right = ur - ul;

var up = Vector3.Cross(forward, right);
rotator.transform.up = up;
rotator.transform.right = right;

// and finally if needed place the center 
rotator.transform.position = ul + right * 0.5f - forward * 0.5f;


一旦你确定了向前和向上的方向, Quaternion.LookRotation让这变得简单:

struct VirtualPoint 
    Vector3 absolutePos;
    Vector3 relativePos;

// Uses list of points, but works for 3
void GetMinMaxPoints(List<VirtualPoint> points, out VirtualPoint xMinP, 
        out VirtualPoint xMaxP, out VirtualPoint yMinP, 
        out VirtualPoint yMaxP)
    Debug.Assert(points.Count >= 1);

    xMinP = xMaxP = yMinP = yMaxP = points[0];

    float xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax;
    xMin = xMax = points[0].relativePos.x;
    yMin = yMax = points[0].relativePos.y;

    foreach (Virtual point: points) 
        Vector3 pos = point.relativePos;
        if (pos.x < xMin)
            xMin = pos.x;
            xMinP = point;
        else if (pos.x > xMax)
            xMax = pos.x;
            xMaxP = point

        if (pos.y < yMin) 
            yMin = pos.y;
            yMinP = point;
        else if (pos.y > yMax)
            yMax = pos.y;
            yMaxP = point;

Quaternion GetPlaneRotation(List<VirtualPoint> points)
    Debug.Assert(points.Count >= 3);

    GetMinMaxPoints( out VirtualPoint xMinP, out VirtualPoint xMaxP,
        out VirtualPoint yMinP, out VirtualPoint yMaxP);
    if (xMinP.absolutePos == xMaxP.absolutePos 
            || yMinP.absolutePos == xMinP.absolutePos)
        throw new System.Exception("points don't define plane");

    Vector3 forwardDir = yMaxP.absolutePos - yMinP.absolutePos;
    Vector3 rightdir = xMaxP.absolutePos - xMaxP.absolutePos;

    Vector3 upDir = Vector3.Cross(forwardDir, rightDir);

    return Quaternion.LookRotation(forwardDir, upDir);


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